Chapter 37 - The Quest For Zekrom

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Jeremy and Jake forfeited their matches the following day, luckily having them on that day as well. They was quite annoyed that it meant Serena and Miette were automatically going through, but they knew it was for the greater good, at least in their eyes.

The Unova region was quiet, with various Pokemon setting the scene. Forest full of various flowers and bright green trees, the sun cascading its rays down on the trees, shadows growing taller as the sun rose higher throughout the day. 

"Don't let your guard down" Jeremy warned Jake, who nodded. "We don't know who could be around here, at any time"

"Is the device all ready?" Jake asked, keeping up with Jeremy who was striding through the forest, which now seemed caliginous and threatening. 

Jeremy glance down at his waist, where a collar hung from his belt. "Of course it is, we have to hope the new updates will keep Zekrom in check longer than it did with Ash, plus, we have packed enough electrical energy in this bad boy to increase Zekrom's power tenfold" 

"How will he know who to attack?" Jake wondered.

"Was you not listening during our brief? You have to contact The Boss and tell him it's ready, so he can talk and order Zekrom" Jeremy explained, looking up above the trees. "I can see the tower, lets get a move on"

Meanwhile, in the Kanto Region, everyone had left the stadiums early.

"I feel bad not supporting the other participants" May frowned, fidgeting as she walked.

"Well, I couldn't stay in there any longer, we all need to talk about something" Cilan pulled a straight face, showing he was being serious. Everyone decided to follow him into the diner they always went into it. Everyone ordered milkshakes and sat down at the biggest table.

"Spill it then, Cilan" Misty said inbetween slurps. 

"I know we are all glad Miette and Serena got through, but don't you find it strange that not one, but TWO members of Team Shadow just forfeited randomly? First the problem with May and their new Darkrai and now this?" Cilan, frustrated, placed his hand under his chin in annoyance, resting his elbow on the table. He leaned forward and sipped on his milkshake.

"It is strange" Brock nodded, scratching his chin. 

"You all look perplexed, might wanna chill" Dawn shrugged, while everyone stared back at her. "Just stating the facts" 

"Dawn is right, we don't need to think about them guys, lets be opti...opt-" Miette struggled to get the last word out.

"I think you are looking for optimistic" Serena laughed.

"Y-yeah" Miette went red in embarrassment. 

"Optimistic, sounds like a plan" Ash nodded and Pikachu fist pumped in agreement. "Lets forget about them, for now"

"I guess you are right" Cilan nodded. "We are thinking about this problem too much, it is probably best to handle anything when it comes to us"

"You mean YOU are thinking about the problem too much?" Misty grinned, the straw from her cup still in her mouth as she continued to gulp down her shake. 

"I suppose" Cilan couldn't help but smile as he lifted up his milkshake. 

"Ok then, with that out of the way, what now?" Clemont asked, looking around the table. 

Everyone looked at one another, with no plans in mind. 

"What about the beach?" Dawn asked. All of the girls immediately jumped up in excitement. 

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