Chapter 43 - Tournament Turmoil

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Days, past and days turned into just over a week. The final four matches were scheduled to start. 

"Lets hope you two don't face each other" Ash looked at Brock and Misty, the only two in the gang to have not had a battle yet. 

"Right" Misty didn't turn to Ash, Brock didn't reply. They both stared at the screen as the eight pictures began to spin like a betting machine.

"For our first match, we have Brock vs Kieran!" The announcer made Brock sigh.

"Looks like we both still have a chance to go through, huh" Brock turned to Misty, who nodded.

"You better make it through, cos' I will" She replied with the utmost amount of confidence.

"Our next match is Misty vs Maxine!" 

The final two matches were announced and everyone moved to their assigned arena. Brock stayed at the centre stage, the boys staying to support him, while the girls headed to second arena to watch Misty.

"Ok, Steelix, you're up first!"

"A Steelix, hmm?" Kieran asked, flicking his hair to the side. "Lets go, Growlithe" 

"Hmm" Brock knew he was at a type disadvantage, so his strategy was going to be an all out attack-based strategy. 

"Let the matches begin!"

"Growlithe, flamethrower!"

"Steelix, dodge and use iron tail!" Brock watched as Steelix smoothly dodge the flamethrower that singed the ground and then his tail became wrapped in a coat of iron. Steelix span his tail around and hit the Growlithe in the face, sending it back slightly.

"You okay Growlithe?" Kieran asked his Pokemon, who nodded.

"Steelix, bind" Brock continued to attack, not letting Growlithe move in with its fire moves.

Steelix wrapped itself around Growlithe and slowly began to squeeze, applying pressure onto the Pokemon's body, weakening it bit by bit.

"Growlithe, no!" Kieran watched on as Growlithe began to fade. Then, he had an idea. "Flare blitz!" He shouted out in desperation.

Growlithe shrouded itself in flames and Steelix immediately let go of Growlithe, the fire being too hot for Steelix to handle. Growlithe then turned on its hind legs and sprinted straight into Steelix, putting everything behind the move. There was so much force that the flames began to go up in smoke, causing a miniature explosion.

"Steelix?!" Brock peered into the smoke and could see Steelix moving, but barely. 

"Growlithe, flamethrower!" Kieran was now on the attack. Just as the smoke cleared up and Steelix came into view, Growlithe blasted a huge breath of fire at him, the flames exploding over Steelix's hard body. With fire being super effective against steel, Steelix was struggling to cope and Brock could see his Pokemon's struggles.

"Your Steelix isn't strong enough to defeat fire types it seems" Kieran mocked Brock, who clenched his fist in retaliation.

"We'll show you who isn't ready to defeat anyone!" Brock retorted. "Steelix, bind again. Don't give in!" 

Steelix, before anyone else could react, latched onto Growlithe once more, wrapping Growlithe tightly in his tail. 

"Steelix, dragon breath" 

Steelix replied by taking a deep breath and then he exhaled a huge gust of breath, purple in colour. It hit the trapped Growlithe, who continuously flinched as the dragon breath rolled by. 

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