Chapter 3 - Preparing To Battle!

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The next morning, Ash instantly headed out of his house. Pallet Town had never been busier, with many people from all over the world, Hoenn to Johto, even Kalos and Unova, every region across the world had become unpopulated for the upcoming battle tournament and the excitement in the air made everyone happy. Ash's first thought was to go and see Professor Oak in his lab because he had not spoken to him since his arrival back in Kanto.

"It's so nice to see you, Ash. And Pikachu too" Prof. Oak commented on Ash's arrival. Gary was stood just behind the professor and Tracey was in the corner, working on something important. Rotom started buzzing around the lab, with a big grin on his face.

"It's great to see everyone" Ash nodded, with a smile breaking across his face. 

"Pika Pi!" Pikachu seemed to agree, sitting on Ash's shoulder.

"Oh look at Pikachu, haven't you grown a bunch?" Professor Oak asked with an uncertain level of interest, picking up Pikachu from Ash's shoulder. Pikachu frowned heavily and then charged up the electricity around his body. He zapped Professor Oak with a huge amount of electricity, making him drop to the floor and drop Pikachu. Pikachu then casually hopped back onto the now nervous looking Ash, who laughed weakly and scratched his head.

"Your electric power is as strong as ever I see" Professor Oak got up and straightened his lab coat. "Anyway, what can I do for you, Ash?"

"I came to pick some Pokemon for the tournament, so I can train" Ash explained to the Professor, who scratched his chin.

"That's right, you have Pokemon from every region, it could be a tough choice. Come right this way, in fact, Gary was coming to pick up his Pokemon too" they both followed the Professor into the gardens, where Gary's and Ash's Pokemon were running around, relaxing and having a good time. 

"Well, I know who I am taking Gramps, we already discussed this, right?" Gary asked, holding out his hands impatiently.

"Yes we did, I almost forgot" Oak scratched his head with slight embarrassment, before holding out six Pokeballs. "Here they are, Gary"

"Thanks, Gramps!" Gary turned to Ash after depositing the poke balls into the bag on his back. "Once I have done some training, you owe me a battle"

"You bet, Gary" Ash waved as Gary raced off to go and train his Pokemon. "I wonder who he chose.."

"Pika Pi.." Pikachu agreed, wondering what his choices were.

"He said it's a secret, so I am afraid I can not tell you. Now Ash lets pick your team" Oak moved to the side and gestured for Ash to go and look around at all of his older Pokemon for the right choice.

"I was thinking of choosing a Pokemon from each region I have been too, it seems fitting don't ya think Professor?" Ash turned to the Professor for advice, but he just shook his head.

"Don't ask me, it's up to you" he advised Ash, before taking a step back.

"Ok then, it's settled. Now who to choose.." Ash scratched his head and then he felt like his brain was melting "Oh man, this will be harder than I thought!"

"Try choosing Pokemon of different types" Oak suggested, making Ash think harder. Pikachu had the same look of concentration on his face, being unsure of what to do.

"Ok, so let's pick our Kalos Pokemon first!" Ash suddenly announced. His caught Pokemon suddenly looked at him and then raced over. "This is still so hard, ugh" 

"Pika!" Pikachu advised Ash, who looked at Pikachu and then thought for another moment.

"Ok, Hawlucha, I choose you!" Ash pointed to Hawlucha, who folded his arms and puffed out his chest, showing himself off because he was glad. He then threw his fists to his side.

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