Chapter 4 - Tournament Training

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Ash and all of his friends waited patiently for Clemont, who was drawing up the bracket for their tournament. After a few moments, Clemont stood back to let everyone read it.


Round 1:

Ash vs Cilan

Dawn vs Serena

May vs Brock

Misty vs Iris


"You cant' practice, kind of sucks huh?" Ash frowned, looking at Clemont. Suddenly, the doors opened and everyone turned to the person walking in.

"I can be your opponent Clemont" Miette stood at the door, a big smile on her face. She clenched her fists together and placed them behind her back.

"Miette?!" Ash and the Kalos gang said in unison.

"That's right" She smiled and stepped forward. "I just had to come and visit Kanto, it is where you grew up, right Ash?"

"It sure is, I love this place. I live just down the route in Pallet Town" Ash said, with a smile on his face. He was happy to see Miette, being the densest of all people. Bonnie was frowning slightly, due to the fact that she knew how Miette acted around Serena, constantly teasing her. It was as if Bonnie was commanding it to happen, Miette grabbed Serena and made it out like she was just hugging her.

"I see our competition is still going on, looks like I might get the chance to win" Miette said with an evil smile, although her intentions were still not clear. Bonnie thought of Miette differently. Although what Miette did to Serena annoyed her, she though of it as encouragement from Miette. Bonnie was under the impression that Miette has zero interest in Ash but instead, was trying to push Serena closer to him with this idea of a competition. Serena's face had turned bright red, which made her nervous because there was now other girls in the vicinity that Ash knew.

"I am guessing she is from Kalos, huh?" Misty walked up beside Ash, who was still as dense as a brick in this moment. 

"Mhm, she is a Pokemon performer, like Serena" Ash explained, causing Misty's face to drop.

"Pokemon performer? Now I have heard it all! First there is connoisseurs, now there is Pokemon performers?!"

"What is a Pokemon performer?" Dawn asked, becoming curious and standing on the other side of Ash.

"It is kind of like being a coordinator, you have two rounds and the final one is the performance. The event is a Pokemon Showcase" Ash explained to Dawn, to confirm her curiosity. 

"Oh right, I see. The Kalos version of a coordinator basically" Dawn said with a slight nod. 

"Ok then, looks like I will face Miette" Clemont scribbled the names onto the paper but then stopped midway. "How will this be figured out then, with an odd number?"

"We can have the winner in the fifth match go into a triangle" Misty suggested. "So basically, the winner of the second round match between the three then faces the winner of the fifth match, if the initial victor loses, they still get a chance to come back into the tournament" Misty realized everyone was looking puzzled. "It will make sense later, just go with it"

"Ok so up first is Cilan and Ash. The rules are you can choose three Pokemon, but you can only use one per round. No switches are permitted, the winner is decided depending on who's Pokemon faints first" Clemont announced the rules as Cilan and Ash faced each other in the arena. "Let the battle begin!"

"Pansage, I choose you!" Cilan span and threw his pokeball into the air, releasing Pansage onto the battlefield.

"Pansage!" It said, preparing itself for the fight.

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