Chapter 59 - Picking up the Pieces

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(Note: If you didn't see the end of the last chapter after I updated it the second time, this is the 2nd to last chapter)


Upon entering, everyone turned to Parker with looks of disgust, a mixture of disagreed faces. Ash followed in behind and everyone became really confused.

"What's going on?" Misty asked, with fire in her eyes. "Why is HE here?"

"Let me explain, so there is no more bad blood between us" Ash held out his hands to gesture everything was okay. He then explained the whole situation and that Parker was going to help them.

"You mean to tell me" May tried to take in Ash's words. "That, HE is going to help you?"

"I have a name" Parker replied calmly, which almost shocked everyone. They had been through a lot with Team Shadow around, but he never spoke like that to them before. 

"So what, maybe he has changed" Cilan shrugged.

"But that doesn't change what he has done!" Misty almost erupted into a violent rampage, but she folded her arms and huffed. 

"If he is willing to help and knows how, then what's the harm? It's for Serena" Dawn made everyone think again.

"Dawn's right guys, just saying" Gary shrugged. "If Ash is fine with him then it should be okay"

Ash smiled at Gary, who nodded back.

"So, where is Serena?" Ash asked, looking around at each face.

"The far room, right at the back" Brock pointed behind him, to the correct corridor. 

"Lets go" Ash said to Parker, who followed him to the room, their Pokemon trailing behind.

Everyone tracked Ash and Parker like hawks, confused looks returning to their faces.

Ash and Parker walked through the door and the whole scene almost repeated itself.

"Don't worry" Ash instantly said it this time. "He is here to help, he may know how to help"

Ash shifted his gaze to Serena, who was laying down on the bed, her red eyes shining brightly in the lights examining her face, giving Professor Oak a good view.

"He can help? In what way?" Professor Oak pulled down his mask and looked over at Parker.

"Well, the machines we built were manufactured from complicated computer codes and basic materials. They allowed us to send electromagnetic impulses to someone's brain, effectively changing their thought process entirely" Parker looked at Professor Oak, who, being a scientist, was intrigued.

"Is that even possible?" His voice said it all, he wanted every detail.

"Well, I mean no disrespect, but we proved it with the test on the whole region" Parker relaxed into his chair, his confident posture made Professor Oak realize that he was not joking around, that he was willing to help.

"So, how do you think we should proceed?" Professor Oak moved around the bed.

"Well, I will need to gather the pieces, then construct the code. The thing is, I never done the code myself, it was Jeremy, who was a computer whiz" Parker explained, making everyone go back to worrying.

"So we find the parts and then..." Delia, Ash's Mom, who had been sat in the corner, spoke up.

"I know someone who could help us, Clemont is just like Jeremy" Ash suggested, which seemed good enough for Parker.

"Do you think he could construct a code that will reverse the effects, if I give him a sample?" Parker asked Ash, a question that could be the decisive change for Serena.

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