Chapter 50 - Illumination

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With Ash still resting and with May still unconscious, it was up to the others to continue fighting. Even without the two, Team Shadow were outnumbered,  but their power was still incredible. 

"Pansage, bullet seed!" Cilan was shouting over the roars of the battles around him.

"Greninja, dodge it and use water pulse" Tristan, who was Cilan's opponent watched as his Greninja executed a swift dodge, before hitting Pansage with a quick orb of water.

But, Cilan wasn't alone. 

"Heliolisk, use dragon tail!" Clemont, who was on the opposite side to Cilan, pushed his glasses up with confidence. Heliolisk leapt into the air, swiftly dropping onto Greninja, his tail surrounded in a deep purple aura. Heliolisk slammed his tail down onto Greninja, causing Tristan's Pokemon to back up. 

"Umbreon, shadow ball" Parker was overwhelming Misty, who had gone outside with Cynthia to join the fight, but even she had a partner to aid her.

"Electivire use protect and cover Staryu!" Gary reacted as quick as a flash and so did his Pokemon, stepping infront of Staryu and creating a shield large enough to absorb the shadow ball with ease.

"Thanks" Misty said while focusing on their opponent.

"Save that for when we foil their plans" Gary suggested, knowing it was the right thing to say.

"You fools think you can win?" Elizabeth taunted, her Greninja still standing strong. 

Dawn and Miette both gritted their teeth in frustration. 

"We don't think we can win" Dawn replied adamantly.

"We KNOW we can win" Miette finished, adding a scowl. "Slurpuff, energy ball!"

"Piplup, ice beam!"

Slurpuff summoned three balls of energy from the ground, firing them off in different directions. Piplup knew exactly what Dawn was trying to do and accurately shot the beams of ice at each ball of energy, causing them to freeze over. The combination of moves rained down on Greninja, who struggled to fend them off.

"Hmmph" Elizabeth wasn't impressed, she folded her arms and carefully studied her opponents. 

Brock was struggling with his opponent, Jeremy, since he had brought out his Mega Tyranitar. Steelix was managing to hold his own, but it was tough work.

"Tyranitar, fire blast" Jeremy called out to his Tyranitar, who conjured up a large flame, the fire shooting off in different directions, before enclosing around Brock's Steelix. 

"A distraction!" Cynthia, who appeared out of nowhere, threw her pokeball and Garchomp came out of it. "Garchomp brick break!"

"Wha-?" Jeremy almost jumped at the champions voice, Garchomp's claw glowing in a white aura. Garchomp dashed forward at the mega-evolved Tyranitar, smashing its claw onto Jeremy's Pokemon with a huge amount of power. 

"Huh?" Brock looked up confused, while checking Steelix was ok from the super effective move.

"Everyone needs a partner in this fight" Cynthia settled Brock's nerves. "Lets focus on the task before things get out of hand. This is a job for all of us now"

"Mhm" Brock nodded with determination. "Ready Steelix?"

Steelix never looked more ready in his life. 

"Is anyone going to help me?" Alder asked, squaring off against Jake, his Mega Absol waiting to battle, carefully watching Alder's Bouffalant. 

"Double team" Jake started off the fight, trying to confuse Bouffalant, but it was just as composed as Alder, his arms folded as he waited patiently for a real attack. "Absol, flamethrower"

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