Chapter 41 - Flawless Victory?

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Just as Misty, Ash and May made it into the main stadium, everyone's attention had turned to a different screen, rather than Dawn's match in front of them.

"Clemont's match seems a little intense, huh?" Ash commented as he propped his head up, taking his seat next to Brock once more.

"Dawn is having trouble, but yeah, Clemont has been holding his own. Those Haxorus's are tough, but Luxray is strong. Very strong" Brock replied, turning back to Dawn's match to give her support. "You can do it Dawn!"

Clemont was keeping his cool and Sarah was getting slightly frustrated, with her stronger dragon Pokemon struggling.

"Cat got your tongue?" Sarah asked Clemont, who hadn't said a word for the past thirty seconds, their Pokemon facing off.

"Just waiting on you to make the first move" Clemont replied calmly, pushing his glasses up ever so slightly.

"Haxorus, use giga impact!" Sarah started off with a bang, her Haxorus disappearing instantaneously.

"Huh?" Clemont looked around, confused. Where did Haxorus go?

There was a sudden moment where nothing happened, then Haxorus appeared out of nowhere and smashed straight into Luxray, driving the electric type Pokemon back, but Luxray wasn't going to give in.

"You like Haxorus's speed?" Sarah grinned, narrowing her eyes challengingly at Clemont, who returned the same grin.

"You could say that" Clemont turned his attention to Luxray, who was now waiting patiently.

"Lets go Luxray, use wild charge!" Clemont declared, Luxray moving in quickly and aggressively.

"Nu-uh" Sarah sighed, massaging her temples like Clemont's move had given her a headache. "You're too easy, Haxorus, dig"

Haxorus, whose speed was unmatched, disappeared into the ground like he was never even there, Luxray hitting nothing but the air.

"Haxorus, get'em!" Sarah shouted, to which Haxorus came flying out of the ground, smashing into Luxray's body. The both rose into the air for a moment, Luxray falling down onto his side. "Now, use bulldoze!"

"I can't keep up" Clemont murmured to himself, as Haxorus jumped up and prepared to stomp onto the ground. "Luxray, use swift..."

Luxray turned to Clemont, who sounded hesitant. Within that one second, Haxorus landed on the ground, sending a shock wave straight at Luxray.

"Luxray, jump!" Clemont noticed the little gap they had to their advantage and his grin came back.

Luxray leaped into the air, flicking his tail outwards. He hadn't forgotten Clemont's first signal and the stars flew into Haxorus, doing pretty much nothing to the strong dragon Pokemon.

"Now, use electric terrain" Clemont continued, while Haxorus was recovering. We don't have lots of speed. Or time. But what we do have is an unbreakable bond. Teamwork is how we will win!

Luxray made the arena electrified once more, making his moves stronger.

"Wild charge, let em' have it!" Clemont put everything into this, Luxray feeling the capacity of his emotions.

Everyone watched as Luxray put everything into his stride, the electric energy around him growing and growing as he charged straight at Haxorus, who had recovered by now.

"Haxorus, watch out!" Sarah, who now had a face of concern, shouted out to her second Haxorus, but it was too late. Luxray smashed head first straight into Haxorus, sending him back, the damage clearly showing on his body.

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