Chapter 20 - Serena's Strong Heart

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Ash wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve and put his hand over his eyes, shading them from the sun so he could look around. 

"Pika.." Pikachu was exhausted, although he didn't get the full force of the training.

"I am sorry for working you so hard" Ash apologized, scooping Pikachu up and smiling at him.

"Pika!" Pikachu exclaimed, pretty much-saying apology accepted. He then proceeded to jump onto Ash's shoulder and look around.

"Now, let's go and sort out our second thing for the day" Ash was talking about Serena, but he had no clue where she was. "Where should we go, Pikachu?"

"Pika..." Pikachu also had no clue, so they both stood still for a moment before a voice was heard. It was kind of muffled at first, but then Ash could make out a girl shouting his name across the field. As soon as he turned, he could recognize the pink boots and blue hair from anywhere. 

"Piplup!" Piplup shouted in excitement.

"Wow Ash, I haven't seen you alone in ages. You usual have a friend by your side" Dawn caught her breath after running over and Ash kept a smile on his face.

"Have you seen Serena?" Ash instantly asked, making Dawn jump in surprise. She knew how Serena felt, it was written on her face. She wondered if he knew.

"Why are you asking?" Dawn tried to find out if Ash would slip out the answer.

"I need to see her, I overheard something yesterday and I wanted to talk to her about it" Ash explained, but Dawn didn't hear anything about Serena liking him, so she decided to be as blunt as possible.

"Do you need to ask her about the fact that she likes you?" Dawn winked at the surprised Ash, who barely nodded. "I thought as much"

"H-how do you know?!" Ash exclaimed in complete surprise.

"Oh, we all know by now really, besides the guys. It is always written on her face when you talk, or when she looks at you" Dawn explained. Ash had never felt so stupid. How have I never noticed... He questioned to himself.

"Pika..." Pikachu replied as if he was reading Ash's mind.

"Anyway, I don't know where she is. She is usually speaking to Clemont or Miette, mainly because they are from Kalos too and Clemont's adorable little sister, Bonnie likes to talk to her a lot" Dawn span around Ash like she was dancing, Piplup spinning around on her shoulder, imitating her moves. 

"Ok, thanks. I'll see you later" Ash shouted, waving and then running through the field. Pikachu was getting tired on Ash's shoulder, so he too started to run beside his partner.

"See ya!" Dawn shouted in reply.

"Piplup!" Piplup shouted as well, watching Ash run off.

"I wonder what he is going to say..." Dawn murmured to herself, before walking off.

Meanwhile, Clemont was busy with his sister, Bonnie, in Viridian City. They were walking down the street, after just getting ingredients for their lunch, when Clemont heard rapid footsteps behind him.

"Clemont!" Ash shouted, skidding to a halt just in front of him.

"What's the rush, Ash?" Bonnie asked while Ash caught his breath.

"Yeah Ash, what's wrong?" Clemont added as Ash took a deep breath.

"I need to find Serena and talk to her because I overheard her saying something last night and I need to make sure I heard it correctly but also tell her something," Ash said, without pausing or taking a breath. Clemont blinked twice at Ash.

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