Chapter 15 - Living In The Shadows

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Around four years ago, a little boy by the name of Parker woke up on his birthday. He was excited and woke up hours earlier than he had ever done before.

"Today, I can get my very first Pokemon!" Parker pumped his fist and leapt out of his bed. His mind was already set on his Pokemon and his Mom had already gotten all of his stuff ready to go for his adventure.

"Make sure you change your underwear every day and be sure to stay safe at night, don't stay up to-" his Mom kept on saying, constantly kissing him around his face, not wanting to let go.

"Stop coddling me Mom, gosh" Parker pushed off his Mom and straightened his clothes. He was wearing a short sleeved white t-shirt, with the long sleeves from the black t-shirt underneath hanging out over the short sleeves. He had dark black jeans on and white sneakers. His hair hung down over his eyes in a mess, which his Mom hated.

"I'm sorry, I just don't want you to grow up" his Mom frowned, staring at his hair. "You better do something about that messy hair of yours, here..." his Mom took out a black headband, with a white circle in the middle. Within the white circle sat a purple orb, that represented a shadow ball. She then grabbed some hair gel and began to mess with Parker's hair, spiking it up and exposing his forehead. She then tied the headband just under his fringe, sitting around his forehead. She tied the knot at the back and took one step back, staring at her son, who stood awkwardly, waiting to go. "Perfect!"

"Can I go now, Mom?" Parker moaned. He didn't care how his hair looked, he was just getting fed up by his Mom. 

"Yes, go and enjoy your journey. Make sure you visit!" Parker was already running off when she said yes, but he turned to wave and then continued on to the Pokemon lab. Parker lived in the Johto region, so the professor he was seeing was Professor Elm. But, upon his arrival, the lab was deserted. 

"Huh? Professor Elm?" Parker's voice echoed around the lab and no reply came. He was lightly confused, so he walked on and further into the lab. A sign said 'STAFF ONLY', but Parker ignored it and decided to continue his investigation. Then, he could finally hear shouts coming from one of the lab rooms. Parker rushed into the room and found Professor Elm chasing an Eevee around. 

"Come back here, listen to me!" Elm was saying, struggling to catch the mischievous Eevee. 

"Erm, Professor?" Parker looked at Elm, who immediately stopped and turned to face Parker.

"Oh yes, hello Parker. I will be with you in a moment!" Elm went to grab Eevee, but he landed face down on the table, in an awkward position. Eevee jumped onto his back and lay down, finding Elm quite comfortable. Parker couldn't help but laugh.

"Looks like Eevee is quite the handful" he commented, looking at the Eevee. Eevee looked back at Parker and seemingly smiled, feeling happy that Parker thought he was funny. Eevee jumped over to Parker and lay on the table, just in front of him. Parker slowly extended his palm and gently caressed Eevee's soft fur. 

"Eevee..." Eevee purred, finding Parker's stroking very warm and comfortable. Elm finally got up from the table and was amazed.

"You're a natural with Eevee, wow" he walked over and looked at Eevee. "Do you like Parker? He is a new Pokemon trainer and has no Pokemon"

"Eevee!" Eevee jumped up, suddenly having a lot more energy. He slowly nodded and then Parker smiled.

"Ok, we need to let Eevee rest for a moment. Lets go and get your starter Pokemon" Professor Elm headed to the door, but Parker didn't move.

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