Chapter 42 - Love...Pentagon?

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"So, what did happen in your matches?" Clemont looked up at Dawn, whose face instantly dropped. "You lost?" He asked after seeing her face. Dawn inclined her head forward and then looked up at Clemont, the sadness from her face gone.

"It's good to see you and Iris won!" She said, clearly trying to be cheery. 

Dawn's Loss...

"Piplup is unable to battle, the winner is Nathan!" The referee declared the match and just like that, it was over. 

I...lost? Dawn thought to herself, her eyes growing wide. She felt ashamed, embarrassed. Most of her friends had won and advanced to the next round, but her she was, on the centre stage, humiliated by Nathan and his Conkeldurr. I couldn't even beat one of his Pokemon. She continued, tears forming. 

"Hey" She heard Ash's voice and her head turned to the sound.

"A-Ash" Dawn's voice trembled, she felt like collapsing into a pool of tears, but held them back. "I...I really lost?"

Ash nodded, he couldn't reply with words. "We better go check on the others" Ash said, looking past her emotions, he was acting like nothing was happening, but it didn't make Dawn feel angry. She felt normal again. She looked into Ash's eyes and then a smile slowly broke across her face.

"Mhm" Was all she could manage to muster up in reply. Ash smiled at her change in emotion and they headed over to the others. 

Once they all got into the stadium at the opposite end, Iris's match seemed to be almost over. 

Iris's Win...

"Dragonite, you okay?" Iris asked, grinding her teeth together slightly. She looked over at the Mega Lucario that they was fighting, just as hurt as her Dragonite, who grunted in reply and then nodded, determination in his eyes. "Lets go, flamethrower!"

"Lucario, dodge it!" Lucy reacted almost immediately, reading Iris like an open book. But she didn't read the next move.

"Quick, rush Lucario with a thunder punch!" Iris grinned as she said this, realizing they had the opening they needed. While Lucario started to cartwheel over the flames, Dragonite glided over with speed, the electrical energy charged and ready in its clenched fist. Dragonite slammed its fist into the Mega Lucario, mid-cartwheel, square in the face. Lucario barrelled straight into the wall, but managed to kick off it and come charging back. 

"Close combat, now!" Lucy called out to Lucario, who skidded along the floor and then proceeded to attack Dragonite with overwhelming power and speed, punching and kicking all around the dragon Pokemon.

But, Dragonite, being a very adamant and strong willed dragon Pokemon, took each hit without moving. 

"Dragonite, flamethrower!" Iris shouted out to Dragonite, who was still being attacked by Mega Lucario. Dragonite didn't hesitate, he blasted the flames straight out of his mouth, the flames slamming down into the mega-evolved Lucario.

"A super-effective move and from such close range!" Cilan, who hadn't noticed the others, almost jumped out of his seat. 

The smoke from the fire cleared and it revealed the winner.

"Mega Lucario is unable to battle, the winner is Iris!" Everyone cheered for Iris, who had fought hard to beat a mega evolved Pokemon. Once she had finished celebrating with Dragonite, she walked over and the whole group stepped outside. 

"I just got a call from Serena" Dawn turned to everyone, with concern on her face. "It's Clemont and his Luxray..." 

Present Day...

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