Chapter 49 - Lance & Iris vs Zekrom

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Everything was calming down inside, but the battle on the outside was just beginning to heat up. Everyone was spreading out and pairing up, some even joining up to make teams of three, to drive back Team Shadow and stop their plan from progressing. They had made lots of progress, using Zekrom and Darkrai as their catalysts, but each time a battle occurred, the sun started to rise again and everything was ok again. But, The Boss still hadn't deployed his Pokemon control machine that he was using on Zekrom and had even used on Ash, proving it to be effective on humans that are holding their Pokemon.

Iris broke off from Cilan and headed straight to Lance, the champion of the Kanto region. 

"You're one of Ash's friends?" he said without taking his eyes off of his Dragonite, who was chasing down Zekrom in the air.

"Yes and I want to help" Iris offered, making Lance put his attention on her for a moment. 

"What type of help are we talking?" Lance asked, gesturing to Iris's pokeball.

Iris through out her pokeball and out came her Dragonite.

"Hmmph, I see" Lance smiled and then nodded. "Guess I have no choice, lets take down this Zekrom together"

"Right" Iris nodded, turning to her Dragonite. "Are you ready?"

Dragonite nodded and then took to the skies, following Lance's Dragonite.

At that moment, there was a flash as the electrical energy in the area increased tenfold. Zekrom clenched his fists as the electricity surrounded his body, then suddenly, Zekrom headed full speed into the pair of Dragonite's. 

"Quick, move out of the way" Iris and Lance said in unison, watching as the two Dragonites dodged the attack, but Zekrom swooped around and caught Lance's Dragonite with a thunderous attack, causing his Dragonite to hit the ground with a lot of force.

"Dragonite, flamethrower!" Iris continued to put up a fight and her Dragonite, being tough and determined, put everything into this move as he opened his mouth, firing off a huge burst of fire at Zekrom, who swooped up into the sky to dodge the move, before flying just above Iris's Dragonite and letting off a huge fusion bolt, the blue thunderbolt striking Dragonite down onto the ground. 

"Dragonite, you okay?" Iris shouted to her Pokemon just after he crashed into the ground.

"I guess we need a little team work" Lance suggested. "I will distract Zekrom and you take him from behind, use everything you can"

"Got it" Iris replied, preparing herself for the attack. They both craned their necks upward slightly, to keep Zekrom in their view.

"Dragonite, dragon claw" Lance went first, both of them watching closely as his Dragonite charged Zekrom, his claw changing colour and shining. Dragonite slashed, just as Zekrom backed off slightly. He kept on going, keeping Zekrom on the back foot.

"Now!" Lance shouted, cueing Iris, who almost jumped out of her skin in response.

"Dragonite, ice beam" Iris took her turn and Dragonite rushed in immediately, not wasting any time. He opened his mouth and the ice shot out like a cannon, rushing through the sky in a cold wave. Zekrom was struck by the ice beam, but it was almost like poking a bear with a stick, except this bear reacted so quickly that both Dragonite's couldn't move in time. 

Zekrom activated his own dragon claw, striking down Lance's Dragonite once again. He then instantly turned and flew across to Iris's Dragonite, the blue electrical energy surrounding Zekrom's body once more as he hit Dragonite with a fusion bolt. 

Both Dragonite's fell back down again, but adamantly got back up, refusing to back down.

"I can see your Dragonite is just as stubborn as mine" Lance joked, Iris frowned.

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