Chapter 56 - The Sacrifice

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"Show them your new power, Sylveon" Parker grinned, as the door to their left opened and a red eyed Sylveon came out, anger in her eyes, completely possessed. 

Sylveon leaped into the air upon entering, unleashing a group of large stars at Pikachu. Each one seemed to have more power than usual, hammering down onto Pikachu with too much force.

Pikachu became overwhelmed as Sylveon repeatedly used the move.

He didn't know how he could fight back, or what he could do. Ash was unconscious and Sylveon was too strong. 

Just at that moment, Hawlucha came flying through the other door, his high jump kick sending the door to the other side of the room, landing next to Sylveon. 

"More trouble?" Parker cocked his head sideways, mockingly staring at Hawlucha as if it was nothing but a fly coming into the room.

"No one messes with my friends!" Bonnie stood at the door, her eyebrows narrowed and daggers in her eyes. 

"A kid?" Parker held in his laughter, his face scrunched up. "I think Sylveon here needs a little back up, Umbreon, if you will be so kind"

Umbreon instantly jumped through the door, a ball of dark energy forming at his opened mouth without Parker saying another word. Umbreon unleashed the shadow ball, smashing into the wall behind Ash. The wall cracked open and a large piece of debris started to fall down towards Ash. 

"Hawlucha, stop that debris!" Bonnie panicked, jumping up and down, pointing wildly and closing her eyes.

Hawlucha leaped up and grabbed the debris, holding it steady and stopping its momentum. 

Bonnie regained her composure and pointed at Parker and his Umbreon.

"Use high jump kick on the debris!" she didn't hesitate.

Then, all hell broke loose.

Ash woke up at that moment, seeing bonnie commanding Hawlucha with ease.

Hawlucha threw the debris up and then threw his leg forward, smashing into it several large pieces. 

Parker stood still and watched as each piece smashed into the glass pane behind him, smashing it to pieces. 

"Bonnie?" Ash slowly got to his feet and then looked at Pikachu, who was panting heavily and looked hurt. "Pikachu?"

"Don't worry Ash, we are going to help you!" Bonnie shouted over her shoulder.

"Pi...ka" Pikachu gritted his teeth and stared at Sylveon, who had stopped moving due to all the commotion.

"Umbreon, agility" Parker smirked as the pink aura activated around Umbreon. "Now, quick attack everything!"

Umbreon became nothing, like the eeveelution wasn't even there. Within one second, Hawlucha had fainted and so had Pikachu, Umbreon completely destroying them both in seconds with his incredible speed boost and natural strength.

"Pi...Haw" Ash couldn't even speak, he just stared at his Pokemon.

He was exhausted from feeling pain, from feeling any emotions. Ash stared blankly at Parker, his face devoid of life.

"Ash, you look a little worse for wear" Parker grinned once more. 

"You are the worst!" Bonnie screamed, running at Parker. She began punching his legs.

Parker sighed and signalled at Umbreon, who put her to sleep to keep her quiet. 

"I don't know how anyone has lasted this long with ship operational. It baffles me, really" Parker paced up and down, Sylveon at one side, Umbreon at the other. "So, Ash, where was we? Oh yes, your decision"

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