Chapter 8 - Read Like A Book

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Serena spent most of her free time worrying about Ash because she was just that kind of person. The whole going around in pairs situation gave her the idea to go with Ash, but she remembered Clemont and Bonnie. Ash knew everyone, so he would go with anyone, but Clemont and Bonnie didn't, so Serena saved them from an awkward partnership. In fact, Bonnie caught up on this and walked into Serena's room as she had just woken up.

"Thanks by the way" was the first unexpected words Bonnie said.

"For what?" Serena asked, struggling to put her shoes on. She finally pushed them on to her feet and looked back at Bonnie.

"For saving me and Clemont. I heard what happened and I know you would've preferred to be with Ash, so thanks" Bonnie made Serena go bright red.

"Wh-What?! I-Tha-" 

"You know it's true. I can read you like a book Serena, so don't deny it" Bonnie waved off her excuses. It was true that, because Bonnie knew, Serena couldn't hide anything.

"I had to go with you guys, I couldn't leave you like that" Serena admitted with a smile. She yawned slightly and then stepped into the main room. The smell of bacon and eggs told Serena that breakfast was ready.

"Bacon and eggs for you guys," Clemont said, placing the plates down on the breakfast counter. He then got out several bowls for the Pokemon and filled them with various Poke food. "Cilan had made each Pokefood with different ingredients, to suit the different Pokemon"

"Awesome, he must be a good cook too," Bonnie said with a mouthful, digging straight through her breakfast. 

After breakfast, they all set off outside, wondering what to do next. Serena noticed Dawn and May, the two people that she had become friends with after a few brief conversations.

"Hey, Serena!" they both said, walking over with smiles on their faces.

"Hey May, Dawn. Have you guys seen Ash today?" Serena asked. She wanted to talk to Ash, having not spoken to him probably in ages, since they were in Kalos. Bonnie took something out of Clemont's bag and he started chasing her around, as if on cue.

"Wanting to see your crush today, hmm?" Dawn teased, leaning closer to Serena, making her feel really uncomfortable. 

"Wh-Crush? No..." Serena lied, trying to hide the facts.

"Come on Serena, it is written on your face" May pointed out. Serena felt her face, feeling like it was actually written on.

"Yeah, we can read you like a book already" Dawn winked and Serena felt stupid.

"Is...Is it that obvious?" she said weakly, wondering what to do. This suggested to her that everyone probably knew, maybe even Ash. Serena began to go red, but she was more or less panicking.

"Calm down Serena, it isn't that obvious. I have read a lot of dating magazines in my time, so I know my stuff" Dawn boasted, but May sweatdropped.

"I don't think that kind of stuff helps. Isn't it just for lonely teenagers?" she said, making Dawn feel upset.

"You think I am lonely?" she gave a fake sob, just to make May feel sympathetic.

"No, of course not, you have us," May said, but then she got an unexpected flick on the forehead.

"That's what you get for being so mean!" Dawn frowned, folding her arms.

"You guys sure act like kids" Serena laughed, making them both stop. They turned to Serena and simultaneously flicked her on the forehead. "Ow!!!" Serena shouted out, making Clemont and Bonnie stop and turn. Clermont snatched his stuff back and walked over.

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