Chapter 29 - Calm Before The Storm

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Ash woke up, his eyes refusing to open, but he could feel his body had woken up. He strained his eyes and tried to open them, but his face tensed up instead.

"He just moved!" Ash heard Miette's voice, then a chair scraping across the floor as she jumped out of it. 

"Ash?" Serena asked quietly, kneeling beside Ash. 

Ash tried with all the energy he had in his body, which wasn't a lot. Ash felt tired as his eyes slowly opened, adjusting to the light and finally opening up to the world once more.

"Oh thank god" Miette put her hands on her chest and sat back down. 

Ash's memory was a blur, he remembered being hurt and then, nothing but darkness.

"What..happened?" Ash looked around, first at Serena, then Miette. Clemont came walking in at that moment, hearing the question being asked.

"You have been unconscious for a whole day now" Clemont sat down next to Ash's bed and looked across at the girls, who smiled.

"Clemont decided to double back and came just after you blacked out. It was kind of lucky, because he managed to distract those Team Shadow jerks while we got out" Serena explained to Ash, who's eyes flicked over to Clemont.

"Thanks" Ash spoke faintly, as his memory's pooled back into his head. "Has the date been announced for the tournament yet?" 

"Yup" Serena nodded, she got out her Kalos pokedex and held it up to Ash. "Two days from now"

"I bet the others are all preparing for it then" Ash looked out of the window and then back to Serena. 

"Yup, they came last night but they all left and haven't come today...yet" She informed him.

"What about Greninja and Pikachu? Are they okay?" Ash asked, remembering that he was using them to battle Darkrai and hold off while he gathered Serena's and Miette's Pokemon. 

"They both sustained a bit of damage, but they didn't leave your side until this morning" It was Miette's turn to do the story-telling. "They will probably be back shortly, Greninja in his pokeball"

"Thank god" Ash breathed out a sigh of relief and then got out of his bed.

"You should rest a little more Ash" Serena said, concerned for his health. 

"I am fine, I need to get up before my legs die" He said jokingly, standing up from the bed. Ash got up and found that his t-shirt wasn't scratched up and his jeans looked brand new. "Huh?" He wondered, looking at his clothes.

Then, Serena turned so red she could've melted into lava. 

"We, erm...Kind of had to change your clothes" She sounded embarrassed, coated over by an overload of nervous speech. 

"Don't worry, Clemont did most of it" Miette leaned into Serena and her voice fell into a whisper. "Though you would've loved to do the whole thing"

Serena leaped out of her seat, feeling so hot she felt like fire itself. Her face was bright red, so she decided to rush outside for a moment. 

" she okay?" Ash said, not noticing the blushing charade. He knew how Serena felt and with his memory's resurfacing, he realized how he had a change of heart during the confrontation with Parker and co. 

"I am sure she is fine, just give her a moment" Miette still had a teasing tone, she just threw her hand forward and dismissed Serena's response. 

Clemont coughed into his hand and got their attention. "I think we should consider what to do next"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Ash asked Clemont, who shrugged like it was obvious.

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