Chapter 44 - As Long As I Have You

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"A-Ash?" Serena spoke out into the darkness. Her head felt sore and she still felt dizzy. A wave of nausea hit her, but Serena held in the sickly feeling. She looked around to get a good scope of her location, the iron bars stopping her from getting out either end of the cave. It was just one large circle, with iron bars just infront of Serena. There was enough space for a whole living room in the cave she was trapped in, but it was dark, baron and silent. Serena got up and brushed down her dirty clothes and then she realized how tired she actually felt. The floor was comforting for her legs, which now felt dead as she tried to walk, her legs shaking with each step as she tried to regain her balance. 

"Serena?" Ash's voice suddenly rang out from the other side of the cave. Serena's head almost snapped in a one-hundred and eighty degree motion and she sprinted over to the voice.

"Ash! Are you okay? Can you stand?" Serena asked, grabbing onto Ash's arms and helping him up.

"I should be okay" He replied, brushing down his clothes and looking around. "Where are we?"

"Some sort of cave, I think. I am scared Ash" Serena looked around, while Ash walked over to the bars.

"Where is Pikachu?" Ash chose to disregard Serena's comments and focused on they had to do to get out.

"I don't know, he was in your arms before and when I woke up I couldn't see anything, maybe he isn't here and is safe" Serena, in the situation they was in, was trying to be positive for Ash's sake.

"He must be safe, Eevee too" Ash patted his waist and then sighed. "Of course I have nothing on me"

"I see you're both awake" A familiar voice said, the person walking out of the darkness. 

"Parker" Ash stared coldly at Parker, who grinned.

"Why the long face, Ketchum?" Parker retorted, putting a key into the iron lock. He swung the iron bars to one side. "Both of you, over here"

They both looked at each other and hesitated. "Don't make us do anything stupid" Parker threatened them and that was enough, they both moved.

Parker latched a handcuff onto Serena's right wrist and then locked the other cuff onto Ash's right wrist, locking them both tight. Serena felt her face heat up, even in this situation. She was wearing one of the two cuffs and Ash had the other, they was locked together. 

Parker ushered them both upstairs, where the rest of Team Shadow was.

"I have brought them, boss" Parker took a step to the side as their boss turned and smiled at the two, his white teeth flashing beneath his shadow-like face.

"What a pleasant surprise, two unwanted guests" His voice was harsh and cold. 

"Well we didn't want to be here!" Ash retorted. In a flash, The Boss backhanded Ash, sending him on his knees. He dragged Serena down with him, being cuffed together and she dropped to the floor too. 

"Of course you don't want to be here, I don't want you here" The Boss tutted and then turned to Parker. "I am entrusting you with this job, you picked up unwanted visitors, so do what you will with them"

"I will keep them locked up downstairs until our plan is done. We can eliminate the rest of his friends if things get rough" Parker sounded so cold, it was different from his casual attitude and it made Ash shiver with a slight amount of fear. "Okay, back downstairs" 

Serena and Ash quietly went downstairs and back into the cave, where they was locked up once more.

"What are you doing to this region?!" Ash shouted as Parker began to walk off. "What do you gain from this?"

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