Chapter 60 - The End Of Another Journey

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"Absol, hyper bea-" 

"Pikachu, quick attack!" Ash shouted, to completely drown out The Boss's voice, a cheap tactic that worked nevertheless.

"Umbreon, agility" Parker looked at Ash, the words reminding him of the time only a day ago, when Umbreons speed dominated Pikachu. "Now, quick attack"

Umbreon disappeared, the pink aura leaving a small trail as Umbreon and Pikachu simultaneously smashed into the Absol on the left. 

"Pikachu, iron tail!" Ash didn't want to let one of the Absol's attack. Pikachu flicked his tail and slammed the iron down onto Absol, causing it to fall into the ground.

"Umbreon, hypnosis" Parker caught everyone off guard and he grinned as the right Absol fell asleep. 

The mega Absol on the left had already taken adequate damage. 

"Ash, now!" Parker signalled to Ash, who was waiting for this moment.

"Charizard, I choose you!" Ash threw his pokeball out and Charizard appeared. 

"Umbreon, shadow ball" Parker pointed up and then turned to Ash. "Get on Charizard.

Pikachu hopped onto Ash's shoulder as he jumped onto Charizard, Parker following closely.

The rest of Team Shadow tried to advance, but Ash wasn't going to make it easy for them.

"Charizard, flamethrower" Ash didn't signify a target, so Charizard aimlessly spread his flamethrower around the room, blocking anyone from getting to them. 

Meanwhile, Umbreon had opened up a large hole in the roof, hopping onto Charizard with Parker. 

"Head to Professor Oak's lab!" Ash patted Charizard, who flew off through the crack in the roof, keeping himself at an angle where everyone could easily stay on. 

"Did I surprise you?" Parker asked Ash as they soared through the sky.

"Not at all. You have used hypnosis way too many times now to shock anyone" Ash replied, sharing a laugh with Parker.

"That's true. But, this won't be over yet" Parker said.

"What do you mean?" Ash turned to Parker, who was furiously writing on paper.

"Take these instructions, the code and remember the plan" Parker handed everything to a confused Ash. "Tell Charizard to land"

Ash did as he said, but continued to look confused. "What are you doing?"

Parker turned to face the direction they just came from. 

"The others will be heading this way to intercept us. I will make sure they don't make it to the lab, just go" Parker looked at Ash with serious eyes. "Don't try and argue with me, just go"

Ash didn't reply after that, he tapped Charizard and they flew off again, over the forest and towards Pallet Town.

Parker and his Umbreon stood and waited, a grin planted on Parker's face.

He prepared himself as the other four members made their way across the field, heading straight for Parker.

Ash landed outside of the lab and returned Charizard, before rushing in.

"What happened to Parker?" Gary instantly asked.

"He stayed behind, Team Shadow showed up out of nowhere and we need to hurry" Ash rushed through the main room and down the corridor, not even explaining anything else. He barged through the door and explained the situation to the rest of them, before handing Professor Oak everything.

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