Chapter 52 - A Mega-Evolved Stand-off

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With the tension breaking, moves flying left and right. Shadow balls, shadow claws, leaf blades, moonblasts, flamethrowers and all sorts of moves from either side occurred as a full force battle ensued. 

Ash and his friends slowly began to overpower Team Shadow, before they decided to retreat. At this moment, silence filled the entire field again, a field that was now a shadow of its former self, the ground torn to shreds, fallen trees and a huddle of injured Pokemon, some Pokemon unscathed after the battle.

"Why are they retreating?" Gary asked, Team Shadow catching his question.

"Well, we couldn't make it too easy for you now, could we?" Parker smirked, when everyone realized they all had different Pokemon.

In a line, there was five Pokemon, four of which Ash and his friends knew all to well. 

"Gyarados, mega-evolve!"

"Tyranitar, mega-evolve!"

"Absol, mega-evolve!"

"Absol, mega-evolve!"

"Houndoom, mega-evolve!" All of Team Shadow shouted simultaneously, Jake and Tristan with their Absols, Parker with his Gyarados, Jeremy with his Tyranitar and Elizabeth with her Houndoom.

"Zekrom, fusion bolt!" The Boss shouted from the middle of the group, everyone waiting.

"Everyone, get back!" Lance warned just as Zekrom swooped into the air, dark clouds rolling over the field. There was a momentary flash and then a huge blue lightning bolt came crashing down from the sky, smashing into the ground, a crater forming where Ash and Gary were stood, everyone having backed off with Lance's warning. 

As the smoke cleared, 5 mega-evolved Pokemon and Zekrom stood strong, while Ash's side only had one, his Sceptile. 

"Tyranitar, sunny day!" Jeremy began, everyone on the other side of the crater wondering what to do against so many strong Pokemon.

 "Absol, flamethrower!" Jake continued their strategy.

"Houndoom, flamethrower!" Elizabeth added to the heat.

"Gyarados, fire blast!" Parker waited for Jeremy, peaking at him for a moment. Jeremy pushed his glasses up and grinned.

"Tyranitar, you use fire blast too!"

"Absol, giga impact!" Tristan added to the firepower. 

"Zekrom, fusion bolt once more"

Each move began to combine around Tristan's Absol, who was creating a huge wave of energy from pushing itself off of the ground and flying towards the group of Pokemon at the other side. Flamethrowers cut straight through the middle of the crater, hitting Sylveon and Piplup, while the fusion bolt created another distraction. Mega Sceptile was hit by the giga impact and sent flying into Ash, who in turn was sent tumbling along the ground, Sceptile landing by his side.

Then, as the smoke cleared, the fire blasts encased the whole group and then exploded. 

Iris and Lance's Dragonites took to the skies at the right moment, while everyone else was really hurt, all of their Pokemon fainted. 

"Tyranitar, stone edge!" Jeremy became wary of the two Dragonites and immediately targeted them, Tyranitar smashing his foot onto the ground before huge rocky pillars shot out of the ground, smashing into the two dragon Pokemon. 

"Houndoom, flame charge!" Elizabeth timed her attack perfectly. "Hit both of them out of the sky!"

Houndoom took the opportunity to show of its speed, making everyone focus on one spot for one second, before realizign Houndoom had gone, already charging into the air, cloaked by a huge flame. Houndoom hit one of the Dragonites, before using the momentum from the hit to ricochet into the other Dragonite, sending them both flying down into the ground.

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