Chapter 35 - May's Nightmare

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"Glaceon, lets go" May said with the utmost amount of confidence, as Glaceon was released from its pokeball. 

"Greninja, lets do this" Elizabeth sent out her Greninja, water vs ice. Greninja had a slight advantage. 

"Shadow ball, Glaceon!" May went for the attack, the dark energy already forming in a sphere around Glaceon's mouth. It fired the ball of energy at Elizabeth's Greninja, who was stood there one moment and then next to Glaceon the next, in a flash.

"Greninja, smack down!" Elizabeth replied. May was stunned by Greninja's speed and tactfulness as it suddenly had a rock in its hand, launching it at Glaceon in a huge ball, using the palm of its hand to push the stone into Glaceon's body. With smack down being a long range move, the close range attack sent Glaceon flying back, straight past May. The rock type move was also super effective, Glaceon feeling the effects while quickly returning to battle.

"Greninja, smack down one more time" Elizabeth began to counter, but May had devised a plan. 

"Glaceon, ice shard!" She countered the counter, smiling as Glaceon froze the rock that Greninja had just launched at it, firing it straight back at Greninja with a direct hit. "Shadow ball again!" Glaceon repeated the move, this time hitting a recovering Greninja with precision. 

"Greninja, use hydro pump and don't let up!" Elizabeth gritted her teeth. She is proving more of a challenge then I thought, maybe she could be useful for our plan... Elizabeth thought, as Greninja put all of its energy into firing a huge jet of water at Glaceon, who stopped and prepared for the attack, waiting for May to say a move.

"Glaceon, mirror coat!" Was the worst decision May had ever made. Glaceon became encased in a shiny coat, the hydro pump bouncing straight off and hitting Greninja. "Extra effective!" May added, with a fist pump. 

She didn't notice Elizabeth doing a hand signal, who also returned Greninja. 

Suddenly, an airship appeared in the sky and then, the whole arena became encased in smoke. The crowd erupted in confusion, while May looked around. 

"Glaceon, return" She said, really puzzled. Then, the smoke became dark, like shadows. She circled around herself, looking to see what was going on as the darkness consumed her.

"Umbreon, hypnosis" The repeated move was all too familiar to May, who instantly fell asleep. 

There was a moment before she awoke, jumping up. 

May suddenly found herself in an empty white room, like a large box. There was one small window with bars, no furniture and a white door that was cracked open. Then, it opened and one person stood at the entrance. 

"Fail-ure" Dawn shook her head at May, who frowned, still feeling really strange.

W-what's going on? Why is this happening? She thought, just as everyone else entered the room.



"Just stop trying"

"You suck"

The words continued to move around inside her head, mixing up her brain and making her body feel weak. 

Why? May felt tears forming in her eyes. What is going on? She suddenly realized that none of her words were coming out, that they were just empty thoughts. STOP! May clutched her head, which was now thumping like a drum beat. She dropped to the floor, just as it opened up. Then, as the dark void continued to spin round and round, May finally woke up. 

"Oh, May. Don't you like the darkness?" A voice she had never heard before was speaking to her. May looked around, realizing she was just in a dream. The arena was still dark and she could not see The Speaker, it was as if he was in her head. 

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