Chapter Thirty-Three

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Casey pov.

I had been stewing since Monday morning when that godforsaken Kessler character came waltzing into the bistro all cocky and smirking. I loathed everything about that scoundrel and he had the nerve to come in there ordering things for my Andy when she was supposed to be at home! To top that off she didn't reply to my text, I had a very strong inclination that it had to do with that bastard. Ugh! Just the thought of him made me want to punch a wall and break his neck!

"Sweetheart, you're red as a tomato. Are you feeling okay?" My mother inquired, touching the back of her hand to my forehead and neck.

I zoned out of my angry thoughts and feighned a smile for her, gently removing her hand from my neck.

"I'm fine mom I just need some air, it's a little stuffy in here."

The four of us were eating out at Rizzoli's for a change of scenery and for the purpose of meeting Jared's latest girl friend. He claimed that she would feel awkward meeting us for the first time at home, being in public would allegedly take the pressure off of her. I had my reservations about the arrangement as it was but coupled with my annoyance with this imbecile who is after my Andy, has proven to really make me a sour puss.

"Of course, well hurry back your food will be arriving any minute now." She chided to me as I excused myself from the table.

I shoved my way out of the door and walked about a block away from the restaurant, frustrated with the sudden humidity the night had taken on. This damned suit jacket was constricting my movement and suffocating me! I growled and snatched the material off of me, throwing it to the ground and shoving my hands through my hair. Alright so my sudden bursts of anger and unknown aggravation is probably due to the fact that I haven't heard from Andy since Monday night and it was a short text. The gist of it was to inform me that she was home safely, she recieved my text and that she appreciated me checking up on her. Other than that I've heard nothing, nada, zip, zero! I couldn't help but think that she was spending all of her time with...him.

"That jacket is a little too nice to be lying on the pavement," A voice came out of nowhere, I looked up to find it and found a well dressed Andy strolling toward me.

I blinked a couple times to make sure I wasn't imagining things, lately she had been in all of my dreams, it wouldn't be too far fetched to think I was halucinating. It wasn't until she stooped down to pick up my discarded garment that I realized it was really her. Man did she look enrapturing in the form fitting spaghetti strap dress, in blood red. The material came down just above her knees with a slit up to mid thigh on the right side. Her dainty feet were in a pair of black pumps with ribboned bows tied around her ankles. Her dark hair was curled into tight ringlets and pulled to one side of her head in a low, loose pony tail with stray curls around her face. Those lips of hers were stained blush pink and her blue eyes were painted in black liner.


She smiled sweetly at me and offered me my jacket, "Thanks. What are you doing out here?"

She exhaled and sidled up to me staring out at the California skyline in the distance, "It's my mom's birthday so we're out celebrating at this ridiculously over-priced, french restaurant." She pointed across the street to a place called Figaroa. "What's your story?"

Ah, that explained the formal attire but my paranoid mind couldn't help but wonder if she had brought a date to the dinner party for her mother. One person in particular, but it wasn't in me to ask her.

I jabbed my thumb over my shoulder in the direction of the restaurant, "Just your old run of the mill dinner with the family."

She nodded and gazed up at me with an arched eyebrow, "What's the occasion?"

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