~The Forbidden Fruit~ Chapter Thirteen

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Casey pov.

I was able to return to work on Thursday as normal, I had to contain my laughter when Rio explained in detail what took place during my absence. Naiomi got an ear full from me when I got off work, but it resulted in us laughing for about two hours, I really wish I would have had the pleasure of witnessing that. Words couldn't begin to describe just how much I appreaciated that girl, without question I would do any and everything in my power and beyond for her. Sadly, I had to leave her since I was sort of stalling an issue I had to tackle; the issue pertaining to a certain female who shall remain nameless for some time.

With my mother I calmly sat down and vaguely retold the incident that took place on my outing with my ex-girlfriend. I kindly asked her to take back her invite to our dance hall, permanently, thankfully she sympathized and did so. A brief argument about who I would bring followed soon after, but was rationalized when I suggested someone we all loved. Friday night arrived and I was the first one ready, to say I was excited would be quite the understatement. Clad in black pants, black Nine West shoes, a red button down and my silver frames, I stood in the living room patiently waiting for the rest of the Tatum clan. Jared was the first one of them finished, he was dressed in a black button down with a grey vest on top, grey slacks and matching black shoes. For some odd reason he had his hair gelled back and proceeded to run a comb along it.

"Don't I look like James Bond?" He flashed a smile.

I grimaced at my thick headed brother.

"You put James Bond to shame and not in the good way."

For the first time ever I saw his face flatten.

"Ha-ha, you proud of your first funny comment?"

I nodded smugly.

"Yes I am."

He rolled his eyes at me and tapped his temple pointedly.

"It was a remorical question duh, I thought you were smart bro."

With that atrotious attempt at expanding his vocabulary I was proven the intellectual of the family. But I'd let him have a small victory in his simple mind.

"Okay! I am ready to dance until calusses take me down!" Mom whooped as she glided into the room. A nice choice of a black dress and a simple up-do. "Oh, my boys are so handsome! John come look at your seeds, they are even more handsome than you are!"

Jared and I chuckled at our mother's enthusiasm, Dad came bounding out of hiding while fixing his tie.

"Don't be silly Penelope, they may have good looks but I am the original Tatum, I will always have the better looks." He playfully winked at us.

The chime of the doorbell took all of our attention briefly before we returned our eyes to one another in question. Mom's eyes stayed locked on Jared.

"Jared, please do not tell me you invited a girl over here when you know what night it is, I swear to Jesus-"

Jared put his hands up in surrender.

"I don't have anything to do with this mom, I have no clue who is on the other side of that door."

Exactly what I meant by she becomes a control freak when she makes family plans, she bares her claws and teeth like a lion. My mother on the verge of a temper tantrum is an intimidating sight.

I gave Mom a sheepish look and crossed the room to go to the door.

"Remember what we talked about yesterday? Who I would bring to Friday night fever?"

The furious expression on her face softened into a warm smile.

"Oh yes, well don't leave the poor girl standing out there, let her in!"

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