~The Forbidden Fruit~ Chapter Four

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Andy pov.

Considering what took place the day before it shouldn't be hard to guess what I was doing. If you guessed jogging you are correct, another theraputic run. Everybody's fool by Evanescence was playing in my ears, I was begginning to think God was trying to send me a message by playing specific songs on shuffle. Once again it represented my relationship the only difference was I was the fool instead of Jared. Nick's little relationship was going better than mine, did I mention he had a girlfriend? A twelve year old, you heard right, that was where he was when I was out with my boyfriend or just away from the house period. My little brother was smitten with Natalie, he spent every moment he could with her which I thought was adorable. I'd tease him about it and he'd get flustered which ended up in a wrestling match between us. It really was sweet how romantic he was at such a young age, it gave hope to the next generation of women.

I came to the half mile mark of my run and ran right into my old friend Gunner, but he wasn't alone, it seemed Gunner had himself a girlfriend. An all white fluffy Collie was strutting with a bow-legged gait beside him. I removed one head phone and watched them.

I snickered and waved to the preoccupied pit bull, who was apparently too busy to even spare me a peek.

"It's funny isn't it, the minute he gets a girlfriend he's too good for you."

I frowned and looked around, I twisted in the direction I came searching for the person the voice belonged too. I started when a figure dropped from the tree in front of me. My profiling friend stood before me with a smirk on his face, hair curly and messy; different from the the neat straightened look I had seen before. The boy was dressed in a short sleeved dark grey shirt, faded jeans, and grey converse.

"Don't be so jumpy it's only me."

I removed my other ear phone and gave him a wary look.

"I'm starting to think YOU are pyscho, jumping out of trees is pretty creepy."

He leaned against the tree casually, smirk still set in place.

"I like high altitudes it's a lot cooler than being down here."

I quirked an eyebrow.

"Or its a good place to watch by passers in secret. You do like to harass people don't you?"

He feighned innocence.

"Now what would give you that idea?"

I shrugged.

"Could be that you called me pyscho the other day, could be that that you're strange. But, I think it is your record of harrassing shy girls in school."

His smirk grew to a full on grin.

"I see you figured out who I am, what'd you do? Pull out the year book and search for me to jog your memory?"

Huh, just guessed that effortlessly, was it that obvious?

I pulled an indifferent face.

"Nope, I got my mom to hire a P.I. and got a backround check. Somebody has a criminal record too."

I was kidding but he looked guilty yet sort of careless.

He shrugged.

"A few misdemeanors is hardly a record to me, if I was a felon I'd tell you to be worried."

My eyebrows rose.

"Huh, I guess sometimes lies bring out the truth, I'm going to try that more often."

He smirked again.

"Lying is a sin you know?"

"It's a good thing I'm not too religious then." I retorted.

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