~The Forbidden Fruit~ Chapter Eight

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Drew pov.

It's pretty obvious this whole date thing was not going as I planned it, I expected the chick to just fall for my charm but she clearly was not. I managed to get a smile out of her at least which made me want to do it again, her smile was cute. In some twisted way her opposing attitude toward my attempts interested me, it excited me a little more than it should. I've been rejected before and I can recognize when its happening but I refused to take her anger seriously. The way her nose wrinkled when she scowled at me tickled me, it was impossible not to smile.

"You are out of your mind if you think I'm bungee jumping." I heard her behind me.

I smirked and looked over my shoulder.

"Well that settles it then I'm definitely not crazy, I gotta' tell you I'm relieved." I kept walking toward the edge.

"Seriously Drew, I'm afraid of heights as it is I cannot handle anything involving me falling head first to my death."

Aww, how cute I loved it when girls got scared.

I let out a chuckle.

"I wouldn't bring you here and let you die, I'd like another date you know."

I could feel her eyes burning holes in the back of my head but I could hear rocks falling, I spun around in time to catch her by the waist before she fell backwards. Those ocean blue eyes of hers stared up at me under her thick eyelashes, her bangs had flopped onto her forehead in her jolt. I studied the display of freckles across her face which were fitting for her, she reminded me somewhat of a doll; fragile, small, and unbelievably beautiful.

"Watch your step next time instead of watching me." I winked.

She stood straight giving me a flat look, I let her go and continued walking. We made it to the edge and I sighed contently at the view below also at how refreshing it was going to be zip lining all the way to the bottom.

"Oh, no, no, no, I am not doing that."

"How else do you expect to get back to the bottom? Parachuting?" I asked her waiting on a ill thought out answer.

She appeared next to me peering over the edge cautiously.

"Why can't we just climb back down?"

There it was it amused me.

"Even if that was an option it would be me doing all of the work."

She scowled which made me grin.

"I'd help you this time, anything is better than this." She gestured toward the steep cord.

"Unfortunately its impossible to descend a mountain backwards, this is the only option. Don't worry its a couple thing I'll be right there to keep you safe." I smirked but I was really trying to be comforting.

A humorless laugh escaped her.

"I am not doing this with you."

I had no doubt she'd change her mind when she watched the first couple ride it down. So I simply shrugged nonchalantly.

"By all means do it by yourself, its more of a rush that way anyway."

The couple finished connecting to the cord and took hold of the bar, the girl wrapped her legs around the guy who was hanging in the sitting position. The safety personnel counted to three and pushed them off the edge, their cries of excitement filled the open canyon.

"Couple or single?" The man asked.

"Single, she wants to go by herself." I answered and stepped up to get strapped in.

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