Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Drew pov.

"A keg, really? What happened to six packs?" I asked Colby as I helped him move the keg up onto the table he had set up, right next to the bar of his kitchen.

He dusted off his hands like he finished doing some dirty job, and turned his attention to me, grinning.

"It's the big 2-0 Drew, we gotta' do it big! Last year we had all six packs, so this year we have to switch it up."

Colby always went way out for my birthday's. ALWAYS. He paid for everything himself, made sure I had a plethora of different drinks, food, even the party festivities were out there. But two things he never ever changed was: Beer pong and lapdances. You heard right, apparently it was tradition for the birthday boy to recieve a lap dance from every single chick at the party. And believe me when I tell you he was adamant about it. More than a few times the girls who refused to do it were personally escorted from the party. Yeah, Colby was a very pushy drunk- happy yes- but still pushy. I remember for my eighteenth birthday party he kicked this guy's ass because the guy's girl didn't want to give me a lapdance and also tried to stay at the party. It caused a scene and her boy toy stepped in, not knowing that Colby packed a very mean punch. Needless to say the guy was out cold and tossed out on the grass with his histerical girlfriend.

"I find it funny that you pretty much go broke planning out my birthday but you don't put half as much effort into yours," I grunted, shifting the couches into the small den where we wanted the wallflowers to post up.

He chuckled and clapped me on the shoulder, "What can I say man? Your my brotha' from anotha' motha' and I kind of love ya'"

I smirked and shook my head at him as we continued moving furniture and setting up for the bash that was only three hours away.

"Rhyming doesn't make it sound any less intimate."

Ignoring my jibe about his bromantic moment, he handed me off a few bottles of beer to stick in the fridge.

"So did you ask Andy for me?"

I nodded my head and arranged the bottles inside the spacey fridegerator neatly, "Yeah, she said she's coming but she ain't drinking."

I heard him cluck his tongue from behind me, "That's not gunna' fly here, everyone has to drink. I will have no one sober under this roof!"

It was my turn to chuckle, I rose to my feet and shut the fridge door, leaning against it.

"You can't exactly force her to drink if she doesn't want to, and if you spike her I will drag your battered body into the ocean myself. So what's your plan?"

He rolled his eyes but a smirk turned up on his face anyway, "My plan is to make her become so cosumed with jealousy that she has no choice but to drink to ease her mind."

I blinked at him mutely waiting for him to laugh and tell me he was joking. He stood blinking right back at me with not a hint of amusement.

"Yeah, well good luck with that plan. Andy is not the jealous type and I doubt she likes me enough to even think about being jealous."

Colby appeared smug and crossed his arms over his chest, "I'm surprised to hear this coming from someone as cocky as yourself. I thought I was supposed to be taking lessons from you."

I flipped him off, "Even with a challenge like Andy, I still have you beat in the game area."

"Mhmm, which is why I'm over here with two of the sexiest girls in California."

I smirked and rolled my eyes, "Which one did you invite to the party? I know you're not dumb enough to invite both and get caught up." I probably should've told him that Jemma and Naiomi happened to be friends but I was a little curious to find out which one he took more of a liking to first.

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