Chapter Twenty- Nine

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Drew pov.

Something was wrong with me.

Seriously, seriously wrong, and I didn't know what to do about it.

Lately I had been restless and on edge, fantisizing about some very dirty things. Not only that, I hadn't been able to control my fellow down below when he decided to stand up.

I can always keep it from rising to the occassion when I wasn't in the position to get rid of it, but not anymore.

It has been happening since the day after my party and I had no clue when it was going to stop.

As of now I am very weary about the boy's night out I agreed to with Colby and his cousin Josh. We were going to hit up a few bars and chill out. And if I knew how all of our outings turned out, that meant girls were going to be flocking to us, which meant I could possibly be in serious trouble.

But it was too late to back out, I was already stepping into my black jeans and wearing my favorite, royal blue button down. Colby was going to be at my place in less than ten minutes so everything was a go, I just hoped I would make it through the night. God knows if I lost control it would be Freshman summer all over again, the thought of it made me shudder, the last thing I wanted was a repeat of those few months.

I regained my composure and stuffed my wallet into my back pocket before leaving my room and climbing down the stairs, my mom was actually in for a change but my dad was out. Which was more than a little strange to me. I frowned as I entered the dining room where my mother was sat at the table with an array of papers splayed out in front of her, lines creasing her forehead as she stared down at the stack in front of her; tapping her pen.

"Hey mom, are you alright?"

As if barely realizing my presence, she popped her head up to look at me.

"Huh? Yes, I'm fine sweetheart I'm just taking care of some last minute assignments."

I nodded slightly and jammed my thumbs into my front pockets, "Where's dad?"

Her blonde bob swayed with her as she twisted her neck back and forth, searching the house for her husband.

"He's not here? I hadn't even noticed, he probably ran out to the office to work," Her blue eyes examined me briefly with a hint of a smile tugging the corner of her lips, "You going for boys night out with Colby?"

I quirked my eyebrow up, surprised she hit the nail on the head.

"Yes, actually, how did you know that?"

She shrugged and nodded to my shirt, "That royal blue shirt has made many apperances on the nights you don't come home until noon."

I was very taken back by the fact that she even paid attention to the things I wore let alone when I did or did not come home, she was always so eneveloped in work and distracted I didn't think she even had time to blink at me. This was definitely a surprising revelation, she actually looked like a mother with the twinkling in her eyes.

I sucked my bottom lip and shifted, "I'll try and make it home at least by dawn this time."

She chuckled lowly and waved me off, "You're a grown man son, you don't need a curfew just be aware that it is a sunday night and that I am a very light sleeper. If you come home before sunrise please do so quietly."

At the closing of her sentence my phone buzzed in my hand, I nodded to her and answered it. Colby had his music blasting while he ordered me to come outside, I shut the phone and headed for the door. When I slid into the passenger seat the sleek silver car jolted forward with screeching tires and we were off. Colby and Josh were shouting at the top of their lungs to the song playing, I snickered and rolled down my window to lean away from the chorus of dying cats.

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