~The Forbidden Fruit~ Chapter Nine

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"I got you roses babe, they smell like you." Jared tried.

I was growing increasingly annoyed with him the whole ten minutes we had been driving, he was supposed to be explaining himself but instead he was offering me compliments.

"Great, now that I know I smell like a bouquet of plants you mind getting to your point." I gritted my teeth.

He sighed.

"I am really sorry about the other day...Belinda is just someone I was cool with from school, if I didn't know her I wouldn't have invited her over."

I nearly slammed on the brakes when we arrived in front of Natalie's house. He thought I was upset about that? Obviously he didn't know he butt dialed me, what an idiot. I bit my tongue and dialed Nick's number to let him know I was outside, when I hung up I faced my boyfriend.

"Just like I said the day it happened, I do not care about you having your friend over. I trust you...or at least I did until this morning."

His eyebrows knit together.

"This morning? What? Why?"

I saw Nick bounding out of the house and to the car, I did not want him to hear us argue. I shifted so I was facing forward again and licked my lips.

"Check your recent calls."

Nick slid in the back seat and closed the door.

"What's up Jared? Andy you suck!"

Jared turned around in his seat and punched knuckles with my brother.

"Hey little bro, you and your girl doing good?"

"Yeah, never been better. How about you and yours?"

I sent a pointed look at him in the mirror, Jared switched back to his original position.

"Working on figuring that out..." He cast a glance in my direction.

That comment made my stomach knot, but it passed as soon as I saw him go through his phone. Realization hit him and he stared at me with his mouth open.

I cleared my throat.

"I think you just did..."

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