~The Forbidden Fruit~ Chapter Twenty-One

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Andy pov.

The party kept on going after dinner was over and I wished it would just end already, mom was getting worse and my patience was wearing dangerously thin. It was obvious she had been over doing it on the wine and I decided it a good idea to put it away where she couldn't find it. I felt like I was back in high school with some girl bashing me for embarrassing her in public.

"Where is the wine?" She strutted into the kitchen, shaking her empty glass at me pointedly.

"You guzzled it all, there isn't anymore left. Probably a good thing since you're starting to get obnoxious in front of your guests." I told her leaning against the counter.

She sat her glass on the counter and curled her lip up at me.

"Lying is almost as ugly as that suit on you, tell me where the wine is before my guests get parched."

I rolled my eyes at her childish comment and repeated myself.

"There isn't anymore wine and I gave your guests sparkling cider to keep them hydrated."

An odd smile took over her face as she scanned me head to toe.

"I can see why you can't hold onto a boyfriend now, you may know how to cook but that doesn't make up for the hideous clothes you wear and that nasty attitude. You're going to end up a bitter, lonely, old hag."

It wasn't so much what she said that hurt me, but it was more so the fact that she could say it so easily. The disgust and bite to her voice stung even more and I felt breathless. Despite the many times we had argued, we never tried to hurt eachother, it was just venting frustration, but this time was different. I knew she meant every word she said and it cut me to the core.

"I hate to butt into this little squabble but I strongly disagree, Andy is going to end up like you."

My head whipped around so fast my neck cracked, Drew had entered the kitchen and was looking right at my mom. I couldn't believe the indirect insult he had given to her, though I was grateful for the interruption he kind of disrespected my mom.

I opened my mouth to say something to him but my mom's chuckle cut me off.

"Believe me little boy, I am far from lonely, but I don't need to tell you that."

I couldn't help thinking her words held an underlying message to them, but I had no idea what it was. I turned my attention back to my mom, who had an evil smirk on her face, I had never seen her like this and it bothered me. This wasn't her in front of me...or was it?

"Right, well thank you for your hospitality but I'm gunna' get out of here. Andy you want to go?" Drew replied.

My mom answered before I could.

"If you want to get into her pants you don't have to leave, just ask her to take you up to her room. I'm sure she won't mind."

I couldn't believe what came out of her mouth and the look on her face was taunting, it held no shred of remorse. Suddenly I didn't care that Drew disrespected her, because she honestly deserved it, I didn't care about her feelings at all after she uttered those words. Obviously she didn't give a rat's ass about mine. I went over to the cabinet above the refridgerator and pulled out the three bottles of wine I had hidden from her.

I shoved them into her arms roughly, she stumbled back a few steps in her heels and struggled to hold them all.

"There's your fucking wine, now you can drink yourself to death for all I care. Go be a drunken bitch to your fake ass friends and see if you still have a job in the morning."

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