Chapter 7

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Tris' POV:

"I'm so sorry." Doctor Harvey says.

I stare at her, trying to hold back the tears. "No, no, this can't be right."

"Beatrice, the baby's already gone. I'm so sorry. I don't know how else to tell you that." She says, sadly.

"This baby was Brendon's. It was the only living thing I had left of him." I burst into tears.

"You still have them. In your heart." She says, placing a her hand on her heart.

"You don't understand." I cry.

"You're very right. I don't." She says."Now come on, let's go get you cleaned up."

------Time Lapse------

I go inside of Four's house and run to my room quickly. I lie on my stomach on the bed, and I scream into the pillow.

I bawl my eyes out, and I hear his deep voice, "Tris... Are you okay?"

"I lost the baby, Four!" I scream into the pillow once again.

"W-what?" He asks.

I sit up and look at him. "I just want to die! Put me out of my misery!" I cry.

He sits beside me, and he says, "I will never do that, Tris. I'd do anything for you, but not that."

"Please Four! I'm begging you!" I cry even more.

"Tris, stop it! I'm not killing you, and you aren't killing yourself, do you hear me?" He snaps.

I don't respond, but I just lean into his arms, and I cry into his chest. "My whole world is crashing down." I whisper in my cries.

------Time Lapse------

I wake up, wrapped in a fluffy blanket. I don't want to get up because I'm so comfortable, but I know that I should.

I finally get up, and I go to the bathroom. I look in the mirror, and I look terrible. My eyes are puffy, and my hair is crazy, too. I don't have a problem with make up because I haven't been wearing it.

After I use the bathroom and brush my teeth, I go into Kyle's room. Four has his back towards the door, and Kyle's sitting in front of him.

"This is an 'H'." Four says, showing Kyle a block with the letter "h" on it.

Kyle looks up as he was about to repeat him, but instead he says, "mommy!"

I smile as he starts to crawl over to me. Four turns around and smiles. "Hey baby." I say as I pick him up in my arms.

I give him a good hug and say, "let daddy finish teaching you, okay?"

"No mommy! I want you!" He exclaims.

"Ky-" I start but Four cuts me off, "it's fine, Tris."

"You sure?" I question.

"Positive." He smiles.

I nod and take Kyle into the living room. I sit on the floor with him, and he starts to show me all of his cars.

"What's that one?" I point to a blue car on the ground.

"Brennon gave it to me." My smile turns into a frown as he mentions Brendon. It's so cute how he says his name, too.

I put a fake smile on my face and say, "he was good to you wasn't he?"

"Yep! When can I see him mommy?" Kyle questions.

"I'm afraid you won't get to see him again baby." I sigh.


"He's, uh, he's gone baby." I hold back the tears.

Four runs into the living room and scoops up Kyle. "I got you!" He exclaims as he spins him around.

Kyle screams and laughs. Four gives me a concerned look. He sets Kyle down and says, "go to your room and make daddy something. I'll be in there in a minute!"

"Okay daddy!" Kyle exclaims and runs away.

Fo- why have I been calling him Four this whole time? Tobias watches him run away and turns to me, "you okay?"

I shake my head. "He brought up Brendon." I sigh.

"I know. That's why I came in here and got him." Tobias' smile fades. "Look, it's going to be okay Tris."

"That's what everyone says." I sigh.

"Yeah, but I mean it." He says.

I sigh once again and lie flat on the floor. "I can still just end everything, Tobias."

"You aren't going to hurt yourself Tris. You hear me?" He says.

"I'll do what I want." I say.

"Tris, if you hurt any part of you then I won't be able to live. If you die then I won't be able to process anything. I need you here. Kyle needs you here." Tobias says.

"I know, but I can't process. I can't live." I say.

"Tris, just stop." He sighs.

"I can't!" I exclaim.

"Yes you can! You got over me! To be honest, I don't even think that you loved me Tris! Did you?!" He says in a loud voice.

"I-I did, Tobias. I still care about you. It's a lot, too. Trust me." I say.

"Then how can you not get over Brendon? You got over me really fast." He mumbles.

"I did not get over you fast at all. You want to know the truth?" I say.

"Yeah, that'd be nice." He says.

"I cried every single day and night that we weren't together. I wanted to be done with everything then too. I met with Brendon again about 2 months after I had Kyle, and he made me happier about you. I still cried for about another month or so, but it took me forever to get over myself." I say with complete honesty.

He looks shocked and says, "a-are you serious?"

I nod. "Tris, I'm so sorry." He says. "I never wanted to lose what we had."

"Me neither." I sigh. "I'm sorry, too."

Honestly, I'm more upset about losing my relationship with Tobias if I think about it. He meant so much to me. I mean, so did Brendon, but I realize how much Tobias means to me.

a/n: wow i suck😒 bc i havent updated in forever like legit forever ugh. i try so much but i always have a bunch of crap to do & i cant update that much.:/ pls forgive me & pls like this chapter😂

i also have another divergent fanfiction "bride for sale". you should read it;) just go to my profile & you can find it💙

anyways live you guys so much! pls vote, comment, and follow! thanks to all of you😘

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