Chapter 8

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Tobias' POV:

I walk out of the bathroom from taking a nice, warm shower. I have a towel around my waist and head to the closet.

I hear what sounds like crying, so I walk away from my closet and walk towards the sound. I go into Kyle's room and see Tris with Kyle in her arms.

"Tris?" I question.

She turns around and looks worried and shocked. "I think Kyle's sick." She says, looking me up and down.

Kyle's bawling his eyes out into Tris' shoulder. "Why do you think that?" I ask.

"He is burning up and he's been crying all morning." She says.

"Let me go throw on some clothes, and I'll take him." I say, walking back to my room.

I pray that Kyle is not sick. That just puts more pressure on Tris and I, which we don't need.

I put on some casual clothes in case we need to take Kyle to the doctor. I go back to Tris and see that Kyle had calmed down a bit. "I'll take him. You go get a shower, okay babe?"

Oh crap. She's not going to like "babe." She hands me Kyle and walks away, nodding. Oh well, I guess she doesn't really mind.

Kyle's cry becomes softer and softer as I bounce him up and down. I quietly shush Kyle and feel his small forehead. It is pretty hot.

"Hey Tobias, do you know where all my clean clothes are?" I hear Tris say from behind. I turn around and see her shirtless, with only a bra on.

I can't help but stare, so she snaps me out if it. I literally just came in here naked with a towel.... What's happening with nudity today?

"Oh, uh. Yeah, sorry." I say scratching the back of my neck. "There should be some in the dryer."

"Okay, thanks." She says and walks away.

I turn my attention back to Kyle, who is now sleeping. I give him a soft kiss on his small head, as I lay him back in bed.

I decide to go into the kitchen to make a quick breakfast. I just make some eggs and toast, hoping that's going to be good enough for now.

I go into the spare bedroom where Tris is staying, and she's talking with someone on the phone.

I make an obvious cough to get her attention. She turns around and says, "yes, okay. I have to go, so I'll talk to you later." She sits there for another second and says, "alright, love you. Bye."

If only I could hear her say that to me again...

"Okay, so that was my mom, and she wants me to come see her." Tris says.

"Right now?" I ask.

"Yeah, but I told her that I need to take Kyle to the doctor first." She says.

I sigh and say, "since when did you two start talking again?" After the incident with me when we were just out of high school I didn't think that they talked still.

"After we broke up... She came when I had Kyle, too." She says.

It breaks my heart that I wasn't there for that, because I tried to come but I was told that she didn't want me there. "Oh... I didn't know..."

"You do now!" She exclaims with a bright smile.

Her smile is so beautiful. It's been a while since I've seen her like that, and I love it when she's happy.

I smile back and say, "your smile is so beautiful."

She stops smiling and says, "uh.... yeah."

I frown as she stops. Dang, I just ruined that... Is it bad to say that though?

"Sorry.... I didn't think about what I said...." I say, feeling guilty.

"It's okay, don't worry." She smiles slightly.

"Anyways, I made breakfast. If you're hungry then you can eat or whatever." I reply.

"Okay, thank you." She smiles again.

------Time Lapse------

Tris and I wait at the doctor, patiently for Kyle. Kyle is currently asleep in my arms, and Tris is watching the TV quietly.

I have to take Tris to Natalie and Andrew's after this, because they supposedly want to see her.

We wait for another 10 minutes and a young lady comes and says Kyle's name. Tris and I stand up and follow her.

"Hello, my name's Melanie. You must be Kyle's parents, am I right?" The young doctor says.

"You're correct." I smile. "I'm Tobias, and this is Tris."

"Nice to meet you two." She smiles and shakes our hands. "Now lets check this kiddo out."

She takes his temperature first, and of course, it's not normal. And to make this trip worse, Kyle won't stop crying either.

About an hour later, we find out that Kyle has the flu... This is just great. Now I have to worry about both of them. I worry about Kyle, but now that he's sick I'm going to even more. Especially with the flu.

I get into the driver's side of the car, as Tris puts Kyle into his seat. She gets in the car, sitting beside of me.

I sigh and give her a look. "What are we going to do?" I question.

"I don't know anymore..." Tris sighs back.

I put my hand on her arm and rub it up and down. Soon after driving and doing that for a while, I decide to try and hold her hand.

She looks down and pulls away slowly. "Sorry." I mumble.

She isn't the same anymore. She's changed from when we were together. I miss her so much. Not just her old self, but her love and everything about it.

I love this girl with all of my life, and that's why I'm going to continue protecting her with my all. I don't care if she doesn't love me back, because I'll always love her.

a/n: wow i suck butt man. okay so i guess ive kinda grown out of writing on wattpad but then i always come up w/ new ideas for other stories and im like "dang! thatd be good!" but then i think and im like "well i dont wanna start the story and then not update a lot" so you know. but its currently 1:24 in the morning on Christmas Eve and i cannot sleep whatsoever. im just listening to 5sos and stuff bc why not. i <3 them😂 anyways yall dont care.😂 lol.

pls pls pls comment, vote, and follow bc that sure will make me update more ight. then ill have even more ppl to work for so i might try harder lol

but yeah sorry for crappy chapter. i just needed to update and i realized that i shouldve just wrote an epilogue to the first story bc i have a good one and itd be so much easier. oh well!

so yeah i love you all and gn/gm i guess😂 byeeeee

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