Chapter 12

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Tris' POV:

So. Many. Kisses.

So it's actually Tuesday. Yesterday is when that big incident or whatever you call it happened, so Monday.

Tobias has kissed me so much since that tiny one yesterday. I mean, I'm perfectly okay with it, but sometimes it gets a little too far.

He's been so clingy, and it's getting on my last nerves. He just ran to the store to grab some things, so I'm not sure when he'll be back.

We basically made out right before he left... It all started by getting up and watching tv while sitting on the couch. Then he came and sat with me, and you can tell where the rest went to.

The reason we aren't still in that situation is because Kyle's going over to Natalie's. She apparently thinks that I need a break, but honestly I am perfectly capable of watching him. I'm also super fine with her taking him for a day, so I don't have to watch him all day at the same time though.

I feel like I haven't been the best mother to Kyle because of everything that's been happening. I can promise anyone that I'm going to be a much better parent to him, no doubt about it.

Anyways, I need to take him over there so that's what I'm going to do... After I feed him.

I grab Kyle out of bed and go ahead and get him dressed. I take him into the kitchen and set him in his high chair. I get him a bottle of milk out of the fridge and just sit down in front of him.

"You're such a cutie," I smile at him.

"Mommy," Kyle points at me.

"Yes, baby. I'm mommy," I say, kissing his little head. "It's time to go to grandma's now."

------Time Lapse------

About 30 minutes after I drop Kyle off, Tobias gets back.

"Hey gorgeous," He says as he carries in most of the groceries he got. "Mind getting the other two bags out if the car?"

"Lord, Tobias. I would've got more if you didn't get so many," I laugh, looking at all the groceries he has.

"Nah, I got it. I can do anything with these guns," He jokes, but I know he actually can because dang. He has some nice muscles.

I laugh once again, "I'll go grab the other two."

I walk out to the car, and something falls out of one of the bags. I grab it and see that it's a Pandora box. Oh no, Tobias.

I really hope this isn't for me... If it was then he would've kept it hidden though, right? Actually, I'd rather it be for me than another girl... Unless it's like family, but why would he get something for Evelyn? She's the only girl in his family that he actually knows, plus I thought that they got in a fight and haven't talked in a while. That's not any of my business anyways though.

I feel arms wrap around my waist, "I see that you found this," Tobias whispers in my ear, picking up the box.

I get the chills and turn around in his arms, "Please tell me that's not for me."

"Who else would it be for?" He laughs. "I wasn't going to give to you until later, because I didn't want to seem like super clingy or something and freak you out."

"Then why'd you get it right now?" I laugh.

"I've actually had it since we were together, but I never got to give it to you so I was going to take it back," He says.

"You really think they'd let you give it back two years later?" I say, laughing at him.

"Well, not necessarily. I was just going to see if I could, but it's been in my car for like two months now. We started to actually talk again, and I just wanted to give it to you," He says.

"Aw, Tobias. You don't have to do that," I say.

"Well, there's no taking it back now," He laughs, "But do you want it now or?"

"I don't care, you do whatever you want," I smile.

He smiles back as he leans in to place a small kiss on my lips. I gladly kiss him back.

No one has ever made me as happy as he does. Not even Brendon... That sounds kind of wrong to say, but it's the truth. I hate the fact that Brendon had to go like that, but I'm just glad I'm with Tobias again.

I'm such an idiot for doing that to him. I regret every second of it. I don't have to worry about any of that type of stuff again though. Besides the fact that a bunch of people call me a hoe and slut and crap.

"Tobias?" I say as I pull away.

"Yes?" He replies.

"Don't ever leave me or listen to me if I tell you to go again, okay?" I say.

"You don't have to worry about that," He smiles.

"Alright, let's bring the rest of this stuff in," I say, breaking apart our touches with each other.

------Time Lapse------

"Alright. I just want you to have some time to relax," Natalie says on the other end of the phone.

"Are you sure it's not because you just want to keep my baby?" I laugh.

"Well...both," She laughs also.

"Well, I'm gonna go. I'll get him Friday morning. Please have him ready for day care," I say.

"Don't worry, I've got it covered hun. I'll talk to you later, love you!" She says happily.

"Love you too," I say as I hang up.

A couple days for just Tobias and I, nice;)))

a/n: oh

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