Chapter 4

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Laurine's P.O.V

I hear the door slam closed and hurried footsteps grow louder. 

"Lau?" Ciara calls. 

"Were you trying to scare me or???" 

She doesn't laugh. She grabs me, one hand above each elbow and her nerves are obvious. She's shaking. "What's wrong?"

"I need help! What if this is some big elaborate joke? Like someone will jump out and laugh and they'll tell me they 'got me'" 

"Shhhh calm down." I hug her close as she freaks out. She nestles her head into my hair and clings to me for dear life. I still can't believe how much she's shaking. 

"Who would want me? And I'm supposed to believe that Harry Styles legit asked me out?"

I shush her and try to reassure her but her insecurities are way too deep rooted and she'll never believe that this is anything except a cruel prank. She starts to cry and I force myself to take control.

"Hey babes c'mon lets go get you all fixed up and pretty for your date. Don't cry or your eyes will tell all. Feign confidence yeah?" I pull her up the stairs, two steps at a time and force her into a stool. I grab some makeup and begin. Hey it's never too early to start makeup for something like this! It could take hours to perfect.

Ciara glances at my reflection in the mirror as I start on her hair. 

"You know I honestly reckoned Liam fancied you?" She giggles. I feel myself blush. "Nah it's in your head." I brush it off. The minuscule movement of her head before I warn her to keep still must've been  her arguing back because she continues. 

"I really don't think it was. Like I don't know but it seemed like there was a connection. Like he couldn't look away from you but you, being all shy kept looking at the floor." She groans. "We should've like kissed them or something when we had a chance. What a wasted opportunity." She giggles.

I laugh. "Hey what's tonight?" 

She turns and shoves me playfully.

"Ugh Lau I wish! I'm pretty sure that's off bounds. It's not like that. Like I said it's either some big joke or... Well I don't even know what else it could be."

I finish off her hair and peck the top of her head. "You're going to be fine. You're so nervous. The vulnerability coming from you at the moment is insane. I feel like you're a little child that needs protection. And then I remember you're going somewhere with Harry Styles and the sympathy disappears." 

She giggles. "You won't be saying that when this all ends in disaster." 

I pull her up and drag her out of the house to go see her potential outfits.

There's clothes strewn all over the place in her room. I'm not sure what exact look we're aiming for but I figure it'll stand out from the piles when I see it. 

After countless rounds of changing and altering outfits we decide on a little black dress. 

Ciara walks into the living room nervously chewing her bottom lip. "It's perfect!" I sigh.

"Is it too much??" She begins. "Is it too revealing?"

Now I have to laugh.

"No it's not revealing and it's definitely not too much. This is Harry Styles we're talking about!" She looks like she's about to cry and just as I get up to reassure her the doorbell rings.

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