Chapter 15

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Ciara's P.O.V.:

"That is not going to happen!" Harry protested. "I won't allow it," he continued.

I looked at Ryan and noticed he had a smirk on his face. What is he up to? I want to kill him.

The door opened and in came Liam and Laurine. My eyes instantly lit up when I saw Lau. Thank God, a friendly face. She walked over to me and hugged me.

"Hey, what happened? Harry was so unclear over the phone," she said.

"Apparently management wants me to date Ryan in public so they'll got more fans or something," I explained.

"What? That's bullshit!" Lau exclaimed and looked at the bald guy with glasses. "You can't do that," she continued.

"Too bad, it's all been taken care off. Oh, by the way, Laura, you have to date Brendan," the man said, as if he was stating the obvious.

"WHAT?!" Liam yelled.

"Never in a fucking million years man. Not going to happen," she said and wrapped her arm out Liam's waist as he pulled her closer. Wait a minute, did I miss something?

"If Laura doesn't date Brendan, then you, Liam, and Laura can't be seen in public together. It's your call," the man responded.


"The name is, Laurine, old man, and what kind of deal is that? She either dates Brendan in public or she can't be seen with Liam in public. What about me? Do I get another option?" I asked completely flabbergasted and furious.

"Nope. There's no 'either .. or' for you, Miss. You just have to face the fact that you have to date Ryan in public. You and Harry can do whatever you want in private," he said.

He's like a dictator. Whatever he says, goes. Prick.

"Then I'd rather be not seen in public with Liam, than date Brendan," Lau said. Good point.

"Suit yourself. Meeting dismissed," the man said and left the room.

Harry walked towards Ryan with a deep frown. "If you ever hurt Ciara, I swear to God I'll make sure you wish you were never born," Harry growled. He's so protective. One of the million things I love about him.

Ryan took my hand in his. I looked up to him. "Ready to go, girlfriend?"

I wanted to puke.

I sure hope this day is over soon.

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