Chapter 8

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Laurine's P.O.V

I lie in m.y bed staring at the ceiling. It's way to early to go asleep but Ciara's gone and I'm so very bored. I desperately try to find something interesting to occupy myself but  everything seems so dull and lifeless today. I'm so bored of being bored. The doorbell rings and I race down the stairs, taking them two at a time. Ciara can entertain me for a while. 

"Hey" I grin pulling the door open. But it's not Ciara.

"So I'm glad you're happy to see me." Liam laughs at my enthusiasm. "Or were you expecting someone else?" He teases. I grab his arm. 

"Please don't leave." I plead, half jokingly but silently praying he wouldn't leave.

He shakes his head. 

"Nah I'm sorry I actually do have to leave, I was just checking if Harry was here?" He sighs.

Oh. Figures. Why would he want to see me?

"He's not here."

Liam nods. 

"Okay I'm gonna go then... But you've to come with me?" He grins sheepishly.

I feel my eyes light up as he waits for an answer. I don't even have time to grabs a coat before he guides me out towards his car, hands gentle on my waist. 

"So spill!" I turn to him. "Aren't you like a big deal?" 

He laughs and the sound makes me forget everything around me.

"Ehm?" He shrugs. I giggle.

"So why are you here with me?" 

"Well you see you're kind of a big deal to me." He murmurs, unsure of himself as he glances towards me.

I blush. "Hardly!"

He shakes his head. 

"You've no idea."

He stops the car and opens my door for me.

"I'm sorry, I'd take you somewhere nice but what I really need right now is normal, average,everyday. My life  the last few years has been a rush, all my decisions made by someone else and I'm sick of being a puppet.  I just want to be normal."

I nod. "Normal, average, everyday. That's why you're here with me."

He pulls me to a halt and turns me to face him. "You're far from ordinary!  You're amazing " 

I shake my head.

"I promise." He whispers.

"That I'll prove to you that you're spectacular." 

I feel myself melt and I begin to hyperventilate.  How do I answer that?

"I'd very much like to see you try." I laugh breathlessly.

"It's a deal." He grins before putting his jacket around my shoulders and turning to walk on.  

"Liam , wait  up!" I call, running after him.

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