Chapter 6

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Laurine's P.O.V

I trek down the stairs the next morning to the sound of someone humming softly. 

"Ciara?" I call, wiping my eyes and ruffling my hair.

"Hey yeah sorry I'm here!" She calls, giggling.

"How was last night?" I ask, trying but maybe failing to seem casual.

And it began. 

I didn't really have to speak much, Ciara was too excited, missing details and going back to fill them in. I zone out as my I try to stop my eyes from drooping shut and my head from spinning.

The doorbell rings again making me jump. Ciara, noticing my tiredness offers to see who it is and I decide to let her. I hear voices and footsteps as she appears to have let whoever was at the door come inside. Thanks Ciara.

"Thanks so much for bringing it back! I can't believe you went to the trouble of coming here."

A male voice murmurs something in a friendly tone as Ciara comes back into the room, a jacket slung over her arm. 

"You remember Laurine?" Ciara smiles gesturing towards me and beckoning our guest in. "Of course!"

Oh my... That is Liam Payne. Omg Liam Payne is in my kitchen smiling at my dazed expression, my face bare and my hair defying gravity. Liam turns around to take the mug Ciara offers him and as he is facing her I glare at her. "I'm a mess!" I mouth. 

Ciara comes over to the table pulling out a seat.

"You're beautiful!" She smiles at me.

Liam pulls out another chair and sits down.

"As if!" I scoff.

Liam frowns. "Hey I agree with her! You're stunning!"

I feel my face flush and silently plead with the ground which still refuses to swallow me up. 

Ciara grins at me and explains. "I left my jacket last night and Harry was busy so Liam decided to be friendly" she winks at me. What is she winking at? She hardly thinks he had any other motivating factors other than his pure and utter goodwill.

But she seems to believe exactly that.

"I promised I'd dance at a charity ball. It's basically a load of well known people ballroom dancing." Liam smiles.

Ciara grins at him. "Oh yeah? Laurine loves dancing." I cut her with a glare and she laughs.

He pulls me up and smiles. "Alright then lets see!" He laughs too.

Ciara gets up and leaves. "Bye Liam" she calls after her. 

When Ciara has shut the door there is a silence throughout the house. Liam pulls my face up to look at him. "You really are beautiful!" He tells me. "And never believe otherwise!"

Without thinking I touch his flawless cheek with my shaky hand. He watches me curiously. He gently takes the hand from his cheek. I'm such an idiot, why did I do that. Wait.. He pulls the hand c,over to his mouth. "You're freezing" he grins "I reckon I should warm you up!" My heart pounds as he chuckles. He presses the hand to his lips and lets them linger there momentarily before his phone rings and ruins the moment.

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