Chapter 40

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Laurine's P.O.V

I feel so much better after seeing Ciara. I leave the hospital feeling almost elated. It'd be better if I wasn't leaving her here and feeling quite sorry for Ryan too.
When I get home there's a figure sitting on my doorstep.
His head snaps up as he hears me walk towards him.
"Lau" Cian begins.
"Hey?" I hug him relieved, holding him tight.
"I didn't think you'd want to see me." I smile breathless.

"It is my hamartia." Oh get him.
"I mean it." He laughs. "This is my fatal flaw. Here you are slowly but surely killing me. But all I want is you."
I sigh.
I unlock the front door and he leans against the door frame, not coming any closer but not retreating either.
"I know it's him you want Lau. I do. And that's okay because I really need you to be happy. But when we kissed I felt something click. I just want one proper kiss. When you're not forced into it, or drunk, or upset. Just me and you."
He looks unsure but he takes a slight step towards me. I close the distance between us but let him make the first move. He's gentle with me. His hand falls gently around my waist and the other cups my chin. He pulls my chin up so I'm looking at him.
Wow his eyes are pretty.
He smiles a shy smile and bites his lip.
And then we're kissing and I can't think straight. My hands, around his neck, try to pull him closer and his hands around my waist do likewise. I feel my hands wander into his hair though I don't consciously decide to do this. He kisses me for a long time before he pulls away. I try to remind myself to keep breathing. He kisses the top of my head and I wrap my arms around his waist, cuddling into his chest. It's such a shame that this has to be the end. I can't play them both like this and Cian is right. I had decided it was a Liam I would choose.

I pull away from the hug after a while and he sighs.
He takes out his phone.
"Can I at least have a decent photo of us?"
And so we get carried away taking pictures until I am crying with the laughter.
"Do you wanna stay for a while Cian? Maybe we can just like go for a walk or watch a movie or something?"

"How could I resist. Just say the words babe,I'm yours." I smile.
"Stay with me."
He grins.
"This is extremely detrimental for me."
I shake my head.
He shrugs. "Hey I pick my poison."
I pretend to be offended.
He laughs.
"Well you haven't exactly proven good for me so far."
And I hate the fact that he might be right.

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