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Another day my parents are fighting. I just sighed and locked my door. I collapsed on my bed and started to cry.

I hear my parents yelling, then I hear glass break, after it's silent. I got scared and decided to go walk downstairs cautiously.

"Mom? Dad?" My voice cracked. I see a huge glass pile in between my parents. I see my dad's chest constantly moving up and down. While my mom is in complete tears. "M-m-mom? Da-ad?" I said with tears building up. They both look at me with sympathy in their eyes.

"Ashlyn. Honey..." My mom trails off walking up to me. My dad just looks at me, then runs his fingers through his hair. I just release my tears and run up to my room.

I sobbed, until my head came up with a solution. I decided to run away from this problem.

So I wrote a note... "I'll be out, for awhile, until I can get my mind back on track. So I'll be somewhere for awhile... Love Ashlyn ❤️"

After I unlocked my door and left the note on my bed. I climbed out my window with my nickel board, then headed to my secret spot.

I texted my friend Ciara, and told her what's going on.

A- I'll be at the secret spot...
C- Why? What happened?
A- Parents had another major fight :'(
C- I'll meet you at the spot
A- aight see ya there

My secret spot is a place in the forest, it's a huge rock, and Ciara and I engraved 'C.A 4ever.'

When I got to the spot, I just sat and thought about what just happened. I dwelled on it so much, tears decided to roll down my cheeks.

Then I heard a branch snap, I wiped my face, then turned around. I saw Ciara and she gave me a smile. She brought a picnic basket, and we started to talk.

"What are some scenarios that you think will happen?" Ciara asked me. "Umm... One; They get divorced. Two; I might move to a different state. Three; Nothing happens and they still argue." I said looking on the ground.

She hugged me, then I started to sob. She rubbed my back, and whispered soothing things to calm me down.

It was just quiet for a couple of minutes, until Ciara's phone rang. She looked at the Caller ID, then she showed. She showed me, and I answered it.

"H-hello." I sniffled. "Ashlyn, where are you dad and I are worried." My mom said, she sounded scared. "Honey, please come home, it's getting super late." My mom added. "Can I stay at Ciara's house for now?" I asked. She sighed, then said, "okay, I'll drop off your stuff." After she hung up.

"Let's go to my house." Ciara said rubbing my arm. After we both skated to her house and watched some Disney movies.

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Sorry if it was short or bad, this was my first story I tried to write in a while 😁 but anyways I will try update everyday, even thought I have school 😂😂😂

~ Darlene ✌🏼️

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