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Megan's POV

I woke up in the hospital. I looked to my left and saw Ashlyn, she was still asleep. "Meg!" Everyone exclaimed. "What happened?" I asked Taylor. "2 idiots knocked you out, and tried to rob Ash and Cam's house." Taylor explained. "How long was Ash and I out." I asked. "3 hours. It's already 6 pm." Nash said. "Audrey, what did they try to steal?" I asked. "They tried to steal a couple of files on Cam and Ash's computer for some reason." Audrey answered. "Are you guys ready to know who broke into the house?" An officer asked us.

"Yes." We all said. "Their names are Cole and Casey Moore." The officer said. "No way." Jack J said. "Has in Cole and Casey the twins from Hamilton High." Jack G said. "Yes." The officer answered.

"So a cheerleader and football jock broke into my best friend's house." I said angrily. "Well I'm gonna kill a bitch or two." I said clutching my fist. "Calm down Meg." Hayes said. "Can you not right now. If you didn't date Jordan in the first place none of us would be in this mess." I snapped. "It's your fault too! If you were not friends with Ashlyn you wouldn't be in this mess either." Hayes snapped also. "Or if Ashlyn didn't even come to Cali none of us would have this mess. And I would still be with Jordan!" He shouted. I looked at Ashlyn and she just woke up.

"I thought we're friends." Ashlyn said softly. "Ash I-I didn't mean it." Hayes said calmly. "Sure you didn't mean it." Ashlyn said looking the opposite direction from Hayes. "Ashlyn please." He pleaded. Ashlyn just was laying there silently.

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