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Aaron's POV

I saw my mom, I guess her boyfriend, and 2 teenagers that were at least the same age as us. "Hey mom..." Ari said awkwardly. "Why don't you guys come in." I offered.

When we walked in, we sat in the living room. "Kids this is Marc, and his kids Cameron and Sierra." My mom said. "Hi I'm Aaron and this is my twin sister Arianna." I introduced us. Ari just gave a small smile. "Why don't you 4 get to know each other, and tell them some things about Ashlyn." Marc suggested, then Marc and my mom went out.

"So... You guys want to see how Ashlyn looks?" I started off. "Sure." Cameron said. Arianna brought out her phone and showed both Cameron and Sierra. "Wow she's beautiful." Sierra complimented. "Yup." I sighed. "Anything else you want to know?" I asked nicely. "Umm... Where's Ashlyn?" Cameron asked, Sierra gave him that your-such-an-idiot look. "Oh, never mind." Cameron said.

"So why don't you tell us some stuff about you two." Arianna suggested. "Well I'm a YouTuber and Viner." Cameron said. "And I'm also a YouTuber and Viner." Sierra said. "Nice." Arianna replied. "How old are you guys?" Arianna asked. "I'm 18 and Sierra is 22." Cameron said. "Cool the 3 of us are the same age." I said.

We started talking for another 30 minuets, then my mom and Marc came in. "Okay Cam, Sierra let's go." Marc said. We said our goodbyes and they left.

After Arianna started ranting. "I CAN'T FUCKING BELIEVE MOM HAD TO BRING HER BOYFRIEND AND HIS KIDS TODAY! Cameron is hella hot, and Sierra is flawless, BUT WHY DID SHE BRING THEM AT THIS MOMENT! UGH! DOSEN'T SHE KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON RIGHT NOW! I WISH WE COULD BE OLD ENOUGH TO GET OUR OWN HOUSE!" Arianna finished ranting, then she sighed and sat by me. I just sat there quietly, as things started to run through my mind.

                  *next day*

I woke up around 5 in the morning. I looked around the house and I couldn't find Arianna. Then I notice a note on the floor. 'If anyone is looking for me I'll be out for awhile. xoxo Arianna :)' She also left her phone on the table, I started to think of places, while getting ready.

Maybe she's at the hospital, her boyfriend's house, the secret spot, the park, or at Starbucks. I called her boyfriend Daniel, and he told me she wasn't there. So I went to the hospital, and she wasn't there either. I went to every spot I could think of, then I thought of the beach. I went to the exact same spot Ashlyn, Arianna, and I would go to, and I found her.

I parked my car by her car, then walked up to her. "Hey little sis." I greeted. "Oh shut it, we're only 1 minute apart." She sniffled. "Hey don't cry. Everything will fall in place." I said comforting her. "I know, but once everything is back in place Ashlyn is gone, her friends might fall apart without her, we might even not be close anymore." Ari said in tears. "Yes, Ash maybe gone, but remember the necklace." I said taking mines out. Arianna smiled. I smiled back, then we went back home.

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