Chapter 6: A Ruined Moment

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I took a deep breath, and put my hand on the golden door handle. Through the little glass window on my front door, I could see Drake's manly silouhette.

Oh, how I couldn't wait to get my hands on that!

Then I pressed down on the door handle, and slowly opened the door.

The first thing I saw was Drake's emerald green eyes, gazing down at me happily, and my breath was taken away. He had those type of eyes that could make you feel like you can see right into his soul, or that he could see right into yours.

I silently cursed myself. I always promised myself that I would never let a guy have a hold over me, and make me feel like his property, and his property only. See, I was a bit of a feminist, as I didn't believe that men could do everything, and make women their little slaves, and do what they want to them. But Drake was too perfect, and that promise was broken as soon as I set my eyes on him that first day we met.

I looked down, and saw that he was wearing a tight black t-shirt, that clung to his muscles, and a pair of black skinny jeans with trainers. Jeez - he could wear the simplest clothes, but look so sexy as the same bloody time! My hands yearned to reach out and grab him, but I was frozen.

I knew I should have said something, like, 'Hey, babe, how are you? Come in,' or something, but I was too busy staring into Drake's smouldering eyes, thinking about how perfect he was, and how lucky I was to have him.

He smiled that sexy smile of his, and sauntered into my house, stopping by the side of me.

There, he reached over, and gently laid his hand on mine, and over the door handle, which sent little shockwaves right through me.

Then he started to close the door, and every tiny movement brought his face closer to mine, so that when the door finally clicked shut, his lucious lips were just millimetres away from mine.

My heart was racing, and I felt all fluttery inside. He leaned in closer to me, and then his lips touched mine.

Then we were kissing, and I felt like I could fly. Our lips were moving in syncronisation, and I felt so weak at the knees!

Our hands left the door knob at the same time - mine reached up and locked around his neck so I could bring his head even closer to me. Both of his hands reached hungrily around my waist, and he pressed into the small of my back, which brought my body closer to his.

We must have been there for ages, just feeling each other and kissing, and just being super happy that we were finally together again.

Then a thought nagged at the back of my mind. I willed it to go away, but it wouldn't.

Drake was here, and I had to find out what was going on with him the other night, and the secret he was hiding from me. But how could it be so bad, that he couldn't tell me?

My hands unwound from his neck, and I tried to push him away with my weak hands, that just wanted to grab him to me again. But I knew what I had to do, and finally, we broke apart.

Well, our lips broke apart. My hands were still on his face, and his hands were still round my waist. He leaned his forehead onto mine, so that I had to gaze into his eyes again.

I closed my eyes so that I didn't melt.

'I'm really sorry I couldn't see you last night, babe. Trust me - I wanted to. But work is getting so hectic lately...' He drifted off, and I opened my eyes for a moment. He frowned a little at whatever he was thinking of. Then he gazed back at me with a smile and once again I closed my eyes. 'But I'm gonna totally make it up to you today.'

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