Chapter 35: Speed Boat

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We had to drive the long way around so that we had time to fully escape the wrath of the agents.

Speeding along the motorway, mine and Drake's stomachs began to grumble, and we realised how hungry we were. We hadn't eaten since early the morning before.

We stopped at a building just off the road, stating on the sign outside that it had a number of mini restaurants, bathrooms and even a minor arcade.

He pulled into a corner spot, concealed by shadows, and we climbed out of the car. I quickly remembered I had no wig on, and got one out of the many bags in the boots and put it on my head pronto.

Drake and I sauntered into th building together, holding hands, completely unnoticed. We headed straight towards a McDonalds, ordered food and sat down in a corner spot. I usually wouldn't eat in a fast food restaurant, seeing as I was a model and had to keep my slim body, but I let my barriers down just for that day.

We were too busy throwing the food down our throats to talk. When our hunger had been saturated, we wondered back out of the service building and began walking towards the car.

Drake suddenly pulled me down by the side of another car, though, muttering, 'Shit!'

'What's the matter?' I whispered anxiously as I peered round the side of the car, already knowing what I would see: three big, sleeky black 4x4 cars were shooting down the motorway towards the service station. They stood out like a sore thumb, and I whipped my head back round, pressing myself right up against the back of the car so that I couldn't be spotted.

I heard the deep growl of the three engines slow as the cars got closer, and my heart began racing. I gripped Drake's hand and bore my eyes into his. He reciprocated the action.

In his eyes, I saw that he wasn't giving up - he had his mind set on what he wanted and he wouldn't let any obstacles get in his path.

The strong passion he felt seemed to have an effect on the cars - I heard the engines speed up again and fade away into the distance.

I realised I had been holding my breath, and finally breathed with a sigh of relief. My body sagged to floor, and I felt so emotional. Everything was finally catching up with me, and I felt totally drained.

Who would have thought that I, Nicole Rosalie Smith, a famous model and fashion icon worldwide, would be here with a killer agent for a boyfriend, and escaping some of the other most deadliest agents in the world, hiding behind a car wearing a wig?

I would admit - I never would have thought that. Not in a million years.

I felt Drake's arms wind around me and hug me close. It was then that I realised tears were slipping uncomtrollably down my cheeks.

'It's okay, Nikki, babe. It's okay.' He stroked my hair softly, soothing me. I pulled myself up, still in his arms and we managed to get into the safety of the car.

Drake didn't bother asking me what was wrong - he already knew. Instead, he turned the radio on, and miraculously, my favourite song was on! I stopped sobbing, and began wiping the ruined make-up from my cheeks.

Drake switched the engine on and slowly began manoeuvring through the parked cars towards the exit. He pulled out onto the road and immediately sped up.

A smile began brightening up my face - it felt good to let the emotions out once in a while.

Drake continued towards the east, and for the whole drive towards the destination I directed him towards, we sang old songs at the top of our lungs. We laughed loudly like a pair of young teenagers. We unrolled the windows so that the cool breeze flew against our skin and whipped our hair.

During the sad love songs, we gazed mockingly at each other and sang. Both of us were completely out of tune - the sudden atmosphere changed and put us on a high - but none of us gave a damn. We were intoxicated by happiness.

The journey was short and took less time than I imagined, thanks to Drake's speeding.

The cobalt sea greeted our eyes, and Drake and I grinned in anticipation.

We had nearly done it!

He accelerated along the coast and I gazed out at the calm blue waters. The bright golden sun shone down brightly on the water and danced along the peaceful waves.

Where the waves neared the sand, they became tiny ripples and then casually melted into the shore, before disappearing back out into the blue expanse.

The scene was so calm and stunning that it felt as if all had gone silent, and the only sound that touched my ears was the delicate sound of the waves brushing the shore.

'Okay,' Drake said, bringing me out of my reverie. 'Which one am I going to?'

We were now steadily driving past a number of docks, inhabiting an amount of boats of all different shapes, sizes and colours.

I refocused quickly, and immediately began searching for the small but luxurious speed boat I had asked Luis to place here.

When I spotted it, a lump occurred in my throat - Luis was such a great person: he had done so much for me and had asked for nothing in return.

I would miss him.

It was fortunate that I had also left a bag containing £1,000,000 in his house when I had some spare time just a short while before I had killed Baxton. He hadn't known I'd done it, and so when he would have got back to his house, he would have had a lovely surprise waiting for him, with a little note expressing my gratitude.

A thought came to my mind.

I told Drake to stop, and then we climbed out of the car.

Luckily, no one was around, despite it being a lovely sunny day.

I took a deep, steadying breath, preparing to tell Drake something.

Something terrible.

But something that I had to say.

**A/N: Hi, everyone! So I hope you have liked the last few chapters, and thought they were worthy enough for a little vote, maybe even a small comment... *wink* If I have confused you at all, I am sorry! And there may be somethings that seem inconvenient, but I just felt like writing it hehehe ;)

So yeah, hope you enjoyed it, PLEASE I'm actually begging - click the vote buttom! Just one teeny tiny little click and you would have made my day!!! Thankyou ever so much!!!! =D**

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