Chapter 36: I'll Never Stop Loving You

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'Drake-' I began as he turned to wait for me to continue. The words cut off in my throat, because I just didn't know what to say.

I felt terrible. I felt like a stupid heartless bitch, but this needed to be done.

'I have to tell you something.' I had to repeat it twice because the first time I said it, the sentence strangled out of my throat and raspy - not even I could hear it.

Drake looked concerned and walked towards me.

'Umm, well...' I stuttered.

Drake just smiled, 'It's okay - you can tell me. I'll still love you no matter what it is.'

He kind of gave me faith to carry on, and I decided that I might as well get it over with.

I had to take a number of steadying breaths.

Drake gave me a comforting squeeze and I realised that I had to say it now or never.

'About a week after we split,' I began. 'I went out to a nightclub, and basically, got really drunk. I feel like a complete idiot - I mean I still loved you then, even though we weren't exactly together.' Now that I had started speaking, it was beginning to come out so much easier.

There was a small, knowing glint in Drake's eye, and a smile hovering on his soft lips.

'So I got really drunk, and I don't know why - I must have been completely out of my mind - but I... Well, I, um,' I began stuttering again. My cheeks flamed up as embarrassment flooded through my body. 'I slept with someone else.'

I shrank back a bit, and looked away from Drake, preparing for the worst.

But when I heard nothing from Drake, I quickly glanced back at him.

He was smiling mischeiviously, and my face went from embarrassment to confusion in a second.

'What are you smiling at?' I questioned him.

I wasn't prepared for what he said next. 'I already knew.'

I was shocked into stillness - did I really just hear what he said?

'Wh-what?' I was dumbfounded.

Drake put his hands on my shoulders and gazed deeply into my eyes.

'Nicole, I already knew that you slept with another person. When I left you, and I wrote that note, I almost tore it up and threw it away. I thought I was crazy - I couldn't leave you! But I felt I had to because I've seen colleagues fall in love with normal people, and it's never ended well. To be honest, I never completely left you. I-' It was his turn to look embarrassed now. He stopped short.

'Go on,' I urged him, putting my hand on his cheek.

'I followed you. I kept an eye on you at all times. I tried to tell myself I was doing it because I was making sure you got on with your life, but really, I was doing it because I knew I could never let you go - I had to keep you in my life, one way or another. I was selfish - I should have let you go completely and have a normal life-'

I cut him off, completely astonished. 'Selfish?! How could you ever be selfish?! The fact that you're an agent does not change the way I feel about you, and it never will do! And what's a normal life? I've never wanted a normal life - they look boring.'

Drake chuckled and continued. 'Okay, okay. You've got a point.' I didn't know whether he actually believed me or if he was just saying it so I didn't argue. 'So yeah, I kept an eye on you, and I was watching you that night when you went clubbing. I saw you go back to Luis' house. But don't worry Nikki, I am not going to hold that against you. What you done is exactly what I wanted you to do - I wanted you to go out and have a good time, and forget about me.'

I raised my eyebrow. 'Forget about you? How could I ever do that?! You are my one and only true love, and I'll always love you. I could never forget about you, Drake. Never!'

Relief flooded through my body as I realised that my drunken act hadn't ruined our relationship forever.

Drake and I embraced for a while, just being happy that we were together - I wouldn't let anything split us up ever again.

I looked over his shoulder and them grinned back at Drake.

'Can you drive a boat, Mr. Wyatt?'

He grinned back and pressed his lips softly to mine. 'I can do anything, Miss. Smith.'

I found the keys in one of the bags from the boot and tossed them to him. I helped him get the bags on the boat, but just before he jumped on, he stopped and stared at me.

'Wait a minute.' An impish grin came back onto his face again. 'We've forgotten something.'

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