Chapter 23: Weapons Training

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Using the weapons.





I had two main feelings, which were being absolutely petrified, and then the other was absolutely ecstastic.

But I was mostly petrified.

I had never actually used a weapon before, and when I had to pick up the gun that I was first being trained to use, I nearly dropped it. I actually thought that I was going to accidentally pull the trigger, and shoot someone, or even shoot myself while looking at it!

I remembered when I was younger and I was trying to put staples in a stapler, and I accidentally put my thumb where the staplers shoot out. I had screamed and thought I was gonna die, because there was a staple stuck in my thumb, which had nearly gone all the way through my finger. But I was about 5 or 6 at the time, and I was totally over reacting.

So because of that, I thought that I would end up shooting myself while setting up the gun. But obviously, I actually WOULD die if I shot myself with it. Depending on where the bullet went.

I was also excited because I was finally at the next stage, and I was getting closer to killing the bad guys and getting my Drake back. I had no sympathy for them, not even after what Dan had told me about Baxton and Dev's childhood. Dev had no excuse for joining a gang like that. He could have gotten a normal job, and this wouldn't be happening right now.

He wouldn't be facing death in a few weeks time, either...

But in truth, all my fears of the guns were stupid, because I excelled at them.

After taking a deep breath, and telling myself to get a grip, I was able to hold the gun steadily, and it was like my hands had been doing it all my life. They fitted perfectly around the gun, and it was like the north and south pole of a magnet coming together. 

Dan and Olivia kept telling me, 'Well done, Poppy. You're a natural!', which made me smile slightly.

I had completed the training on the guns within the day, and I knew everything about them.

I knew to always keep it in a safe place, and to always have it pointing in a safe direction to avoid injury or damage when it wasn't in use.

I figured that keeping it in my pants wouldn't really be safe (for me, anyway), like they do in the movies, so Olivia had found me a jacket that could hold the gun I wanted to keep on me, and only I could know about it. The jackets was absolutely gorgeous, and would disguise the gun completely, so it was perfect.

I also knew to keep my finger off the trigger until I was ready to shoot (so that I didn't accidentally put pressure on the trigger, which could lead to a disaster), and to only load the gun when I knew I was gonna need it.

I had always had pretty good gut instincts, so that last one would be pretty easy to follow.

Then after the guns came the knives, and they were even easier to use.

I just had to remember to not try and do any fancy tricks with the knives, because I could end up stabbing myself.

And that would just be terrible! 

While Dan was teaching me how to use the Butterfly knife, Olivia said to me, 'You're gonna be wearing lots of boots, Poppy.'

I was confused at first. What did she mean by that?

'Well, you're gonna be putting your butterfly knife in your boot, and then whip it out when you need it.'

Oh. Now it makes sense.

'Ooh, I can go shopping with you later then! Because I really feel like getting out, and I need some new shoes! And you're just too great at picking the right stuff, so I can't leave you here - you're gonna help me!' I said excitedly.

Olivia got excited aswell, and came and sat down next to me, her eyes lighting up happily.

For ages we were sat there, discussing boots and shoes. Which was better - wedges or stiletto-heels? Platforms or no platforms? High heels or small heels? Ankle boots, shin-length boots, or sexy over-the-knee ones?

We didn't realise Dan was sat there looking bored out of his brains until he clapped his hands twice, making both Olivia and I jump and finally notice his presense, and said, 'Right, enough about the fucking boots. You can discuss them later. Right now, we need to focus on Poppy's training.'

He sighed and turned around, choosing another weapon.

While his back was turned, Olivia gave me a he's-such-a-moody-bastard look, and I stifled my giggles.

But I was definitely gonna say that the butterfly knife was my favourite weapon out the lot.

It was easy to use, could kill people easily, and the best thing? It was small enough to fit in my boots!!!

Dan and Olivia told me that knives and guns weren't the only weapons I could use, though. If I was going to be killing people at a factory, there was bound to be some machinery or basic things there that I could kill them with.

For example, the warehouse used to be a glass factory, so there's blatantly gonna be glass there that I could slit some bastards' throats with. And maybe there will be a forklift truck there, but that could end up being a bit gruesome for my liking...

And I'll definitely be wearing boots with really spiky heels and hard platforms. That would come in really handy.

 So that was the weapons that I was gonna be using in the near future. 

For about a week, I was training again. I had gotten my boots (well, about 15 pairs of them, anyway), and I was still working out.

I kept practicing with the guns and knives, and Dan gave me reaction tests, where I wouldn't be suspecting a thing, and then all of a sudden, another agent would jump on me, trying to kill me, and I would have to fight them off.

They couldn't really kill me, though, as they were using fake weapons (which I eventually found out after, like, the tenth person jumped on me, so all along, I thought they were actually using real knives and stuff), and Dan would be watching somewhere, testing my reaction. 

Obviously, I didn't actually kill the person. Dan was testing me for what object I would pick up to fight the person off, and every time, I picked the right one. 

So anyways, that was... the weapons training, you could call it.

In my spare time, I was still planning my own little plan, and soon, I was totally prepared for everything.

But what I wasn't prepared for was what Olivia came and told me at the end of the week.

'Poppy,' she suddenly exclaimed, halfway through our conversation about leather clothing. 'I just remembered! I've got something to tell you!'

'What?' I asked, smiling, thinking she had maybe bought me a cute, black leather jacket, or something.

But instead she said, 'Thought you'd be glad to know that it's three days until we, well, you actually, break into the warehouse.'

Oh. Fuck.

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