Chapter 14: Devastation

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I got home just as the sun was setting.

It looked absolutely beautiful outside, and I just loved watching the sunset.

Although, I had to admit that it would have been better if Drake was there to watch it with me.

I sat outside my front door for a while, mesmerized by the beautiful view. Where I lived, I could see the sun at all times. I could see it first thing in the morning when it started to rise, and last thing of the day when it was setting.

The fiery oranges and reds that covered the sky were like a thick, warm blanket as the evening heat touched my skin, warming me as every speckle of warmth hit me.

I felt so calm and relaxed. The funny feeling that I had had ever since this morning in my stomach had nearly disappeared.

But only nearly. There was still a slight presence of it there, like I was waiting for something to happen, but I didn't know what.

I breathed in the relaxing atmosphere around me, and stood up as the sun finally disappeared. I put my house key in the new lock on the new door, and turned, opening the door at the same time.

It was a bit cooler in my home. I didn't know if that was because I'd left the air conditioning on, or there was sonething wrong. The feeling in my stomach gradually got worse, and I tried to ignore it.

The house felt empty, and not right. Drake should have been there with me. I wished that I had asked him to move in, because although I liked having the free space and stuff, I still felt lonely when I was on my own.

I went out into the kitchen, and dropped my bag onto to the side, pulling out my phone. I stared at it for a while, debating whether or not to call Drake and see if he was coming over.

As I was staring, a little breeze blew through the slightly open window to my left. And when the breeze blew through, I saw a little bit of paper flutter around in my peripheral vision.

I caught the bit of paper just as it was about to fall to the ground.

I wondered why on earth there was even paper on the kitchen counter, but when I turned it over and read what was on it, I understood.

I even understood why Drake had been giving me all those looks last night, why he left early, and why I had had the funny feeling in my stomach all day.

'Nicole,' the note began in his neat handwriting. 'I have been thinking about what's happened recently between us, and I've realized something. I'm an agent, and every second I'm with you, I'm putting you in more and more danger.

'The first day I met you was the best day of my life, and I will never forget that day, because that day, I fell in love with you, and I promised myself that I would stay away from you, so as not to put you in any danger. But I just couldn't - you're too special, and I was too weak to stay away.

'But now I'm not as weak, and I think it's for the best that we stay away from each other. I love you, Nicole, and I always will. But it's too dangerous, and I don't want to see you get hurt. I'm really sorry.

'You will meet someone else, someone who is better for you, and you will have a good life.

'Take care my darling, my love. Drake x'

I crumpled to the floor, and tears welled up in my eyes, and spilled over like the Angel Falls.

What was he talking about?! I don't care if I'm in danger, I still love him!

And that crap about me meeting someone better... As if! He was the one for me. The only one. I could never fall in love like that again.

I cried myself to sleep that night, right there on the kitchen floor with Drake's note crushed against my chest.


Hi! Just a little note to say sorry it's so short, but that's how I wanted it.

Anyways, what did you think? Even though it was only a small chapter, did you enjoy it?

A vote, comment and maybe even a fan is always appreciated!

And by the way, if you ever need a book cover or side posters, just contact me, because I love making them, and everyone I've made them for seems to love them. So if you need one, or you know someone who's looking for one, just contact me, and give me the usual info.

Have a nice day! =D**

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