Chapter 29: You Trained Me Well

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We had done it. We had destroyed all the people involved with the kidnapping of Drake, and the finally thing to do now was finishep my plan.

With a sly look about my face, I thought to myself, 'Dan, Olivia.... You trained me well.'

The tunnel was tall enough for Drake and I to half stand. His sleeping medicine hadn't kicked in yet, and he turned towards me suddenly.

He gazed into my eyes, and a warm feeling spread over my body. I smiled and walked all the way towards him.

I had missed him so much, and I had to kiss him before I carried out the rest of my plan.

We gazed into each other's eyes; his sparkling green ones melting my insides.

I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck.

'I love you so much, Drake,' I whispered.

Our lips came together for the first time in nearly a month, and a powerful feeling spread through both of us. We were finally where we belonged, and it felt so good.

His arms wrapped around my waist pulling me closer to him, and deepening our kiss. His soft lips moved against mine perfectly, as if they had been designed to go with mine. His hands ran up and down my spine, leaving little tingles where they touched my skin.

My hands wound into his dark, scruffy hair, pulling him even closer to me.

Our tongues entwined as he cupped my face in his hands, and kissed me softly, slowly, passionately...

He broke the kiss for just a second, and his deep, husky voice murmured, 'I love you, Nikki. I love you so much and I never should have tried to leave you. I'm so sorry.'

His voice was becoming fainter, and I knew the medicine was kicking in.

Before I could let him fall asleep, I smiled lovingly at him. 'I love you too, and don't say sorry. I knew you were trying to protect me, but we're meant to be.' I felt him begin to droop slightly and began pushing him along to the end of the tunnel.

'Just promise me one thing.' I said.

'Anything!' He replied.

'Never, ever, ever leave me again. No matter what.'

'You have my solemn promise. I will never leave you again, Nikki. I can't. It's too painful, and I missed you so much. I will never... Leave you... Again...'

His eyelids drooped just as we got out of the tunnel.

I just managed to open the door and get him out. Behind the tall bush that was in front of us, I knew Luis was waiting. Good hearted Luis was there, ready and waiting with a car.

I put Drake's arm around my shoulders and began dragging him towards the car. Luis immediately spotted me and helped me lay Drake down in the back of his car. It was just a plain old thing - nothing special to stick out and get noticed.

I quickly climbed into the passenger seat and Luis in the drivers seat. He asked no questions at all as I gave him my brothers', Ashton's, address, and directed him to go there. He set off immediately.

We had to drive on a road just above the warehouse, and as I looked down, I saw a cluster of uniformed agents getting ready to bust in.

You're too late, I thought proudly to myself.

When they get in, they will realise that.

They will realise that they trained me to do more than they wanted me to.

They will realise that I had killed everybody.

They will realise that Drake and I had disappeared.

And that's why I had told Luis previously in the last few weeks to vamp up the old the car, and give it the engine of a racing car.

This was because I knew that as soon as the agents discovered that we had gone, they would be after us.

And I had to do my plan faster than the bullet had gone through Dev's head and killed the sonofabitch.

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