Chapter 24: Fighter

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The next morning, the only things that went through my head were:

Gonna start the plan in two days.

Gonna break into the warehouse in two days.

Gonna kill people in two days.

Gonna find Drake in two days.

Gonna start my own plan in two days...

This went on in a cycle. Over and over again.

Dan, Olivia and the rest of the agents had planned everything out: from what I'm doing in the morning, all the way through the process of getting in, and then all the way to what I'm supposed to do after I get Drake.

I say supposed to do, because I had my very own plan to put into action.

But anyway, every single little detail had been planned and I was gonna carry out the first part of it in two days. The last part? That was a secret only I knew about.

Emotions were flying through my body like a agitated bird in an enclosed space that needed to break free and find its mate. I was scared, excited, worried, and tormented by the thoughts that my over active imagination brought up. The 'what if's were popular in my head, and gruesome, unwanted results too.

I wanted everything to right and according to plan. I didn't know if it would actually happen though.

I finally pulled myself together, and told myself, 'It WILL go right. Everything will work out; I will find Drake, kill the bad guys then do what I need to do.' I repeated this over and over again, and eventually, I got a grip and stopped freaking out so much - after all, that would ruin everything, and it was my mission in life to not let that happen whatsoever.

The constant help and compliments from the agents, especially Dan and Olivia, were really boosting my confidence and by night time, I knew I could do it.

The next day would be preparation for The Day.

Baxton had a huge reputation for going to a nightclub a few streets away from the warehouse, and always picked up a girl at the end of the night. From the type of guy he is, I gathered that most of the time, he probably threatened the girl into going back with him. And after checking his criminal record (which the agents can obtain whenever they like), I knew for certain that was the case. God knows how he hadn't stayed locked up forever...

Anyway, that was all the more reason to kill the cunt.

The reason we had found out about Baxton was because of the first part of the plan. I was to flirt with Baxton (which made me mentally and physically sick, but it had to be done), and somehow lure him to the warehouse. It was vital to get him inside. That was where my first killing would take place.

Then I was supposed to send a message to the other agents, so they could follow me in and kill every criminal in there, and find Drake.

However, my own version was slightly different to theirs. I wouldn't be communicating with them in any way at all once I got into that warehouse...

I was ordered to get a good sleep, as the next day I needed to be full of energy to go through what the agents had planned for me, as the day after that I would be putting my newly found skills into action. I done a bit of yoga to calm me down and clear my head, and by 9pm, I was fast asleep.

The day before The Day, I woke up late. I felt full of energy and confidence, which was good because for that whole day, I was practicing and going over every single little detail I had learned since this whole ordeal had begun.

I went over every weapon, every skill, every flick of the wrist, every type of death blow I could give... I went over everything.

I spent an hour in the gym on my own, exercising and punching the crap out of the punch bag, imagining it was Baxton, or Dev, or some other guy I would be killing very soon.

I thought through everything I had to do, memorising and knowing that it was the right thing to do.

Everything was ready and waiting by the night time; my outfit was hung up on the outside of my wardrobe, waiting for me to wear it and flirt in it with a guy who deserved to die. A wig was on the dresser, waiting to be placed upon my head so that nobody at all would recognise who I was.

I fell asleep quickly, and dreamt of Drake, and happy things, and smiles and laughter, and hot sunshine on a deserted, golden beach.

**A/N: Omg, I am so sorry I haven't uploaded in donkeys years!! I've been so busy with school, and revising, and exams and stuff that I have had no time whatsoever to write or anything!!

Anyways, because I haven't uploaded or kept track of what I was doing for a while, this chapter may not have made much sense or anything, but I really hope you enjoyed it anyway! So yeah, thanks for reading guys! I'll try and upload again soon ASAP! ;)**

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