Chapter 18: Taken Hostage

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*Drake's POV*

I supposed I was happy that Nicole was getting over me, and having fun. I didn't know how she would take it, but I guess she's okay now.

I was not okay, though.

I was devastated.

I was a wreck. Overwhelmed with sadness.

I thought it was for the best, that we stay away from each other, but it wasn't working so well for me.

Nicole was the only girl that I felt close to - that I could share my secret with. I felt like she was my destiny, and I was born to protect her.

But how could I protect her if I was fighting criminals every day, and at any moment, they could get a friend of theirs to find out about Nicole and threaten to kill her.

And I couldn't put her through that - it would ruin her life. It was impossible.

Leaving her was almost impossible too, but I knew that to protect her, I had to do it. So I did.

When I saw her that morning, looking tired and exhausted, I felt terrible, and I knew without a doubt that I was responsible.

But as the day progressed, and she went out with her friends, she got happier. And that made me happy, too.

When I saw her with the Spanish guy - I think that was Luis - I nearly broke down myself. But then if I wanted her to be happy, I had to let her go, and be with another man who will keep her safe.

Earlier on, I had also contacted one of my best friends and fellow agents, Dan Hunt, to keep an eye on Nicole, and make sure she's okay whenever and wherever she was. Because I couldn't keep spying on her like this - it would have driven me insane, and eventually, I would have run into her house and begged her to take me back.

So that's why I done it.

That way, we were both completely safe.

I was very near to my own house when a car crashed into the back of mine. Normally, I would have gone mental, but I felt so peaceful that Nicole was happy, that I didn't.

I climbed out of my car, and went to the back to see the damage. The driver from the other car was also climbing out of his.

But instead of apologising, he was looking straight at me with an evil smirk.

At that point, I wish that I had stayed in the car, and just driven off, because I didn't want to kill anyone tonight, even if the bastard in front of me was one of the men that our agency had been tracking for ages.

I willed myself to run back into the car, grab one of the many guns stored under my seat, and quickly get the job done.

But it didn't happen like that.

Not only was the main man getting out of the car, so was the other two main people.

They had their own little company going. They would go out, drug girls, rape them, and then ship them off to another country to be prostitutes.

They were sick, sick bastards and every one of them deserved to die.

I had fought off more than three people before, but there was something there that made me just not able to do it. First of all, one person in the trio was a girl, Lucy. I didn't fight girls. I left that to the female agents to do.

I knew that before the fight even started, that I had lost.

The other two men, Baxton and Dev were two big, burly men. They two were brothers; Dev the older one, and Baxton the younger, and more mysterious one. Baxton was the type of guy that was always quiet, but the moment you pissed him off, he'll break your neck without a second thought.

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