Chapter 21: Weapon Wonders

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I had more dreams later. But they were more realistic, and I was controlling them. 

There was only Drake and myself.

Not running, not hiding.

Just together.


That day dream broke it's way into reality, and when I wasn't busy, I was making my own private plans.

My own private plans to get Drake.

And go.

*     *     *      *      *      *      *

The next day, Dan taught me all about the weapons I needed to train with. Him and Olivia took me to a huge room, and placed every weapon they had around the room.

I asked them how on earth they were aloud to do this in a public hotel, and they said that it wasn't public.

It was a private hotel, owned by Drake's agency, and only agents were aloud to come and stay here.

Fair play, I guess.

Anyway, there must have been hundreds of weapons, and I was supposed to learn how to use every one of them, and know everything about them in a matter of weeks, because in a matter of weeks, the agents' plan was going to go into action, and I was gonna be accomplishing Part 1.

I was overwhelmed... But I had a feeling that I was gonna do it, and I would win.

We were in this big room for hours, going around to each and every weapon. It was a bit like a trip to the museum - going around to each artifact and learning about them.

Except that this was much, much harder.

There were loads of different guns, and I had to learn the difference between each one. I also learned how to aim with each one, and how to put the bullets in, and get them out, and all the safety checks and things.

Dan also warned me to be careful when setting them up, because sometimes, they can backfire and I could shoot myself.

Well, I wouldn't want THAT to happen now, would I?

There were also knives, and daggers, and they looked surprisingly easy to use. I thought to myself that I would be finding out soon whether they were easy to use or not, because the next day, Dan said I would be starting my training.


I was also shown loads of different explosives, although I didn't know if I would be using them, because the whole plan was to get in silently. Setting off a bomb would just ruin the agents' plan. When I was in, I had to be as silent as possible.

Deadly silent...

Dan also told me more about the trio that had taken Drake.

Dev and Lucy were abbreviations of their real names. Dev was really Devlin, and Lucy and Lucifer.

Figures, doesn't it. They're both evil bastards. And so is Baxton, and that IS his real name.

Baxton and Dev are brothers, and Lucy is Dev's girlfriend.

Dev and Baxton grew up in a bad neighbourhood their parents were hardly ever around. But whenever they were, their parents would abuse the two kids in a drunken rage. When Dev was sixteen (he's three years older than Baxton), and Baxton was thirteen, Dev finally had enough of the abuse.

So one night when both his parents were out, Dev packed all of his and Baxton's clothes, took any valuable looking things, and also took all the money he could find. And then with Baxton, he ran away.

I felt a bit of sympathy for them, because they'd been abused, but Dan told me more.

When Dev and Baxton got to London, the first thing Dev did was broke into someone's house, and killed the owner. And then he lived there with Baxton.

He left Baxton at home, asleep, every night, and when he went out, he met up with a gang. A really bad gang that hurt innocent people, stole from anyone they could, and basically were the nightmare you never wanted to know about.

They were also involved in a prostitution business, where they will kidnapped young girls, between the ages of 14 and 18, and they would drug them, sexually abuse them, and then ship them off to be a postitute in another country. Just for money.

Amongst this gang, there was a young girl who helped to get the victims in. This was Lucy. Nobody called her Lucifer - in fact, they didn't know that that was her real name. So they called her Lucy. She would go out, and purposely bump into a young woman or girl, and would chat to her. Then after making friends, she would say to meet up somewhere, like in town, and then instead of her going, at least two men would go and kidnap the girl.

I felt sick to my stomach when Dan told me this. How could someone be so disgustingly spiteful? They all deserved to die a nasty, slow, torturous death.

And lucky me, I could give it to them.

So anyway, Dev started seeing this girl, Lucy, and they became an item. But they weren't the usual loved up pair you would see having a picnic in the park.

Oh, no.

They were a destructive twosome, and eventually set up their own prostitution business which was bigger than the gangs', and way more successful. The gang tried to get revenge on Dev and Lucy, but they were already prepared, and slaughtered the gang that they had once been part of.

Baxton knew all about his older brothers' doings, and at first, he wondered why he was being like that. Couldn't he just get a normal job, instead of being on the same level as their evil parents?

But then he started to get like Dev, and see things his way. Baxton had always been a quiet, observant child, and he still was. But just before his 16 birthday, after Dev and Lucy had killed their previous gang members, Dev started getting Baxton involved in the crimes.

And Baxton thought nothing of it.

So he stayed the queit, observant boy, but added to the mixture was a time bomb that would explode as soon as somebody other than his brother and his girlfriend made him mad.

And that happened quite a lot.

I asked Dan how on earth the police hadn't gotten involved earlier, and he ad replied that they were too notorious for the police. So the police handed them over to the agents, and for just over 5 years now, the agency had been tracking the trio without success.

And now that had finally got them exactly where they wanted them to be.

In an old glass factory (I just called it the empty warehouse - it was easier that way), very close to the agency's private hotel.

I thought that the trio might have gone to that warehouse on purpose, knowing about the private hotel and setting a trap. But somehow, the agency's best agents knew that there was no trap, and they were inside that warehouse with Drake.

Dan and Olivia told me this story as we all walked around, and I was being taught the many different weapons.

When I had learned about every weapon in the room, Dan and Olivia left me in there to look around once more.

There were a few things that stood out for me on the 'tour', that I thought might come in handy with my own secret plans.

This included two special liquids.

One was an adrenaline-rush injection, that I knew would be seriously important. Gut instinct, sort of thing.

And the other was a strong sleeping pill, but only available to secret services, like Drake's agency.

It was a very special sleeping pill, in a crystal clear liquid form, and it knocks you out for around 24 hours, sometimes more, sometimes less. Dan told me that it was a VERY fast acting sleeping pill - you only need a tiny drop, and as soon as you swallowed it, you were fast asleep.

They would definitely come in handy, I thought slyly to myself.

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