Chapter 19: Guilt

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*Nicole's POV*

 I felt terrible...

And my hangover was just the start of it.

All I remembered was getting really drunk, and being totally happy, and then someone turned up... I think it was Luis. And then I went outside, and I kissed him...

And then I went back to his house...

My eyes shot open, and I didn't recoginse anything around me. Instead of seeing colours of beige, cream, browns and champagnes, I saw dark reds, and black and whites...

Beneath the soft feather covers, I didn't feel any clothing on me.

What was going on?

And then I realised.

Shit! I had slept with Luis!

I looked to the side of me, and there was Luis. Looking cute in his peaceful sleep. 

Why had I gone out last night? I cursed myself while I searched around and hunted down all my clothes.

Going out was the stupidest thing there was to do. Why had my mum and Chloe made me go out?!

Now I felt even more terrible, because I felt like I had cheated on Drake. I knew that I hadn't actually cheated, because we weren't together anymore, but Drake was my only love, the only person I felt really connected to in this world - and I had just slept with another man.

I got dressed super quick, being careful not to wake Luis. I was going to get dressed, and get out of his house, and get a cab back to mine.

Then I remembered.

I couldn't get a cab like this! That would be disastrous!

Oh, fuck, what the HELL was I going to do?!

I tried looking around for Luis' car keys. Maybe I could take his car, and leave him a note saying I'll have someone bring it back to him.

But I couldn't find the keys. Oh dear...

I was on the stairs, and I sank to the floor and cried. I just wanted to disappear, and never been seen again. My life was in ruins. This time two weeks ago, I was blissfully happy. And now look at me. I was a state.

Suddenly, there was a quiet knock at the door. I stopped my crying and froze. Then someone put their mouth to the mailbox and said in a quiet murmur, 'Nicole? Nicole, are you here? I'm a close friend of Drake's. Please, if you're here, could you open the-'

I had ran down the stairs and wrenched the door open at the mention of Drake's name.

'Door?' He finished as he straightened up.

'What is it? What do you want?' I ask in a quiet rush.

'You're Nicole, right?' He asked.

'Yes, of course I am.'

'I'm Dan, a close friend of Drake's, and, well...'

'Well, what? What's wrong?' I asked more frantically.

He sighed a little, like he didn't want to say something. 'I think you'd better come with me, so we can talk elsewhere.'

I was getting more frantic by the minute. Questions came tumbling out of my mouth, but neither of us could understand them.

I rushed back upstairs and grabbed my bag, and then rushed back down and quickly got into the Dan's car. I wasn't sure if that was the right thing - he could be anyone - but frankly, I didn't care. Drake had said that some criminals would try to threaten my if I was with him, but 1) I wasn't with him anymore, and 2) I didn't care if I lived or died right now. That was how depressed I was.

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