Chapter 33: Smart Girl

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I woke up the next morning, and the first thing I thought was, 'We did it. We actually did it. I got my Drake back and we got away. We actually, seriously, truly, did it...'

I smiled and stretched languorously, turning over in the comfy white double bed.

A pair of bright green eyes met mine and gazed at me. 'Good morning, my gorgeous little ninja,' Drake murmured.

'Good morning my big bad agent,' I replied, smirking.

We both laughed, and then carried on staring deep into each other's eyes.

Staring into his eyes, I felt as if I could see deep into his soul.

I could see a lot of love and care. Buried deep beneath this, there was a deep, dark sadness, full of badness and death; stress and tension.

I knew that he had grown up, never having a proper childhood because his father had always been teaching him the skills he would need for when he was older. He had never experienced the things I had, and I felt a deep frustration that he had never been able to because of the dangerous secret life his parents had brought him into.

At 17, he had inherited his parents' agency, and began killing criminals almost immediately.

At 17, I was modelling and partying, and shopping and having a laugh with my friends. My life had been so easy and carefree, but his had been constantly filled with assassination and blood.

My job was to take away this deep, bad darkness and replace it with pure, bright happiness.

'So what's your next killer plan, Nikki?' he asked, partially serious.

I smiled, wondering if I should tell him or not. I had kept the whole plan to myself for weeks, and I was dying to tell someone. Drake would be that someone, and that ONLY someone... No one else could know.

'You really wanna know?' I asked mischievously, playing with a few strands of his silky dark hair.

Instead of answering, he brought his hand to my cheek, and began stroking my skin with his thumb, as soft as a feather. With each slow stroke, he brought his face closer to mine, and therefore his lips came closer too.

Just before our lips touched, though, he moved with such speed that I had to go over what happened in my head again, just to be sure of what he did.

His hand had flew down my side, past my waist and over my hips. The speed didn't interfer with his touch - it still felt like a feather was brushing against my skin, sending tingles through me.

His hand stroked down my leg, and then cupped around my knee. He lightly pulled my knee up and over his body, which brought my body over too. I ended up led on top of him.

Our faces had stayed the same distance away from each other throughout the lightning-fast movement. He smiled playfully and wrapped his arms around my waist.

'Yes, I do really wanna know.' He replied seriously.

Smiling, I began running my hands through his hair again as I thought about where to start.

I took a deep breath, as if I were getting ready to tell a story. 'It all began the day you were taken. When Dan told me what had happened, something stirred in the back of my mind about you, and how your whole life had completely contrasted with mine. I didn't actually think about it until I was training one day.'

Thoughts drifted through my mind as I wondered how to carry on.

'Dan and Olivia were talking to each other, and I didn't manage to catch everything they were saying, but I caught the gist of it. They were speaking about old times - before they had been recruited. They spoke about their friends, theirs schools and teachers, their parents... Their grandparents who used to bake cakes and cookies for them.' I smiled as I remembered by grandmother who had done this a few times.

'As they spoke, they had a faraway look in their eyes, like they missed their old lives, and would do anything to get them back - even though they knew they couldn't. It got me thinking about you, and your old life... But then I realised you didn't have the same life as they did, because I remember you spoke about your father, and how you had grew up in a private residence, being taught all those skills he knew you'd need. It got me a bit angry really, that you hadn't had the luxury of proper childhood; that from a young age, your freedoms had been taken away from you.'

Drake was staring at me. The look in his eyes basically said, 'You don't know how true that is.'

I tried to brighten up the suddenly dull atomsphere. Trying to smile, I said, 'So I thought of a plan. I didn't tell anyone about it at all, and I only thought about it at night time, so no one suspected anything. I found out everything I possibly could on my own - I even found out about the underground tunnel underneath the warehouse by myself. The other agents didn't know about it. To be honest, all I was told to do was to get the doors to the warehouse open, kill Baxton and then let the others take over. But I knew I couldn't leave it as that.'

He chuckled quietly. 'Instead, you killed every guy in that warehouse.'

I chuckled with him, and continued. 'After we killed Lucy and Dev, the next thing I had to do was to get you out. I had to be quick - I couldn't let your agency know what I was doing, otherwise I would have been the next person to die. I managed to get you to the hospital, and Ashton, my brother, helped you. I had a gut feeling that someone already knew I was there, and that was why I had asked Luis to get that fast black car. Then it was car chase madness all the way here.'

Drake interrupted. 'I have to admit, I've never met a woman who could drive like you did last night. Ever. And that's including all the female agents I've met.'

I laughed, chuffed at what he said. 'We were gonna stay here for the night, and then race down to the coast.'

I stopped, biting my lip to think of a way on how to express the next part. 'Drake, how would you like to get away for a while? Find a little island, or somewhere secluded and private. We could just be together - escape from this cracked up world we're in for just a while. You can rest, get away from your crazy life, and just relax for once.' The words rushed out of my mouth without a breath.

Drake was silent. 'Only if you want to.' I quickly added.

I silenced, and then watched for Drake's reaction. I watched a range of emotions pass across his face. Disbelief... Humour... Wonder... Amazement... Then finally, agreement.

He suddenly beamed at me and said, 'That's exactly what I want!'

Then Drake began kissing me so passionately, I thought I would explode with happiness.

As things got more intimate, I delicately pulled the feathered covers over us. Everything was perfect, and I would make sure it stayed that way.

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