Chapter 16: Big Mistake

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When I got home, I felt a lot better.

I wasn't gonna let Drake get me down, and stop me from having fun! Hell no...

The first person I rang was Chloe. If I wanted to have a good time, and forget about everything apart from having fun and making trouble, Chloe was the girl to go out with.

Her and the others had got back from the US a while ago, and knowing them, they would want to go out as soon as possible. They were just those type of people... and I loved them for it. I also couldn't wait to go out and get blasted, so I could just forget about everything.

I nearly broke down when I thought of Drake, his caringness, his handsomeness, his soft lips, his smouldering green eyes...

I mentally slapped myself, and concentrated on dialling Chloe's number.

It only rang once before her cheery voice came onto the phone.

'Hello babe!' she said when she picked up. The next words out of her mouth were, 'I'm back in the UK, so you better get your ass out with me tonight and PARTY!'

I laughed at her permanently happy tone. 'That's exactly what I was calling you for! You've probably heard about Drake and me,' I said, trying to sound casual about it. 'So I wanna go out, and you're the girl that always gets a good fricking time!'

She gasped. 'You and Drake? What happened?! Did you like, find out he was actually cheating, and you walked into his bedroom one day, and he was in bed with another woman, who had-'

I cut her off suddenly. She could be so careless as to what she said, and her mouth could totally run away with her. 'Chloe, no. He wasn't cheating. It just wasn't working for both of us, so we split. It's nothing. I'm okay about it. But now I wanna go out, and bag another man.'

She gasped again, but this time was like she'd realised something. 'I know! We can get you out, and celebrate you being single! It might only happen for like, half an hour, before you actually find another hottie, but that could be our cause!'

I laughed again. 'Yeah, yeah, okay. That's our cause. I'm gonna get Shaun and Lily out with us aswell, but I want you to come over and help choose what to wear. I've got like, hundreds of dresses, and I don't have a clue what I'm gonna wear!'

'Well, everyone needs my advice on what to wear,' she said, absorbed with herself. 'I'll be over in ten with some of my clothes too, and we can help each other!'

'Alright, thanks darling!'

She said that she'll see me in a few, I said okay, then we both said bye, and hung up.

I sat in my walk-in closet while I waited, looking around me. I wanted something that said, 'I'm smart, and rich, but also very daring, and looking for hot man who will give me a good time!'

I spotted a few dresses and tops-and-skirts that said that, but I wanted Chloe over to help me choose the right one.

I texted Shaun and Lily, saying we were going out tonight, no matter what they said, and they better be over mine in two hours so we can get my limo and go and party.

They both replied within a minute saying that they will totally be there, no matter what!

When I had pulled out the outfits I was deciding on, it had been 20 minutes since Chloe had said she'll be over. She's late for everything, though.

I bet she'll even be late for her funeral.

She eventually turned up, though, apologising, because she'd seen a pair of shoes in a shop on her way here, and she just had to get them, but the queue was long, and she was really sorry. The shoes she had gotten, though, were HOT, and I didn't blame her for getting them.

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