Chapter 15: Family Love

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My life changed dramatically after that.

I didn't go out for days. Shaun, Lily and Chloe kept ringing me, but the ringing of the phone just faded into the background, and it didn't get through to me that someone wanted to speak to me.

My true love had left me. He'd up and gone, with nothing but I note saying that he was sorry, blah, blah, blah.

He said he loved me, too. What a load of bullshit.

If he had really loved me, he wouldn't have left me. Yeah, he said that I was in danger because he was an agent and all that, but love is hard. You only get one chance at life, so take what you can while you can.

When Shaun and the others got back, they tried to come to my house. They sat outside for ages, knocking on the door and calling to me through the letter box, but it was like they weren't there at all.

Everything was just a blur to me.

My mum and dad even tried to get in to see me, but my head just couldn't comprehend what was happening. It was like it was just a big nightmare, and any moment I would wake up and find Drake lying fast asleep next to me.

But that didn't happen.

So I stayed in the house.

I cried myself to sleep. 

I sat downstairs in the day, not eating anything, turning the TV on and staring at it blankly.

In my mind, I vaguely knew that I couldn't carry on like that, and that I would have to get up and go out soon enough. I would just have to try and get over it, or at least seem like I was over him.

I knew for certain that however hard I tried, I would never be able to get over Drake.

 *    *    *    *    *    *    *    * 

It was a few days later when I finally got myself together.

I woke in the morning and thought to myself, 'I need to get out this house.'

So I rushed to get ready - I took about a minute getting dressed, as I just randomly picked out some clothes, not caring if what I wore didn't match. I grabbed a hairband and messily tied it to my hair, put on some shoes, grabbed my bag and keys and walked out the house...

To find a huge crowd of paparazzi stood there next to their vans, waiting with their cameras.

As soon as I saw them, I quickly put my head down and turned to go back inside. But before I could, someone grabbed my arm and whispered in a slight foreign accent, 'Keep your head down, and come with me. 

I looked up slightly and saw Luis standing there, looking like the perfect bodyguard. He pulled some sunglasses out of his pocket and handed them to me, and I quickly put them over my eyes.

Thank God he was there, and had just saved me. He always seemed to appear whenever I needed him.

'Thank you,' I murmured, just loud enough for him to hear.

He pulled me through the paps, and I kept my head down.

I should have known that somehow, the press would get in on what had happened, and knowing them, they would exaggerate it, and come out with something like, 'Nicole Smith's Break-Up Leading to Meltdown', or 'New Boyfriend On The Scene Already?'

Well, they can go and fuck themselves for all I care. They don't care what they write, or who they upset, as long as they can write it and let the public read it. They're just a bunch of bullshitting cunts.

Luis opened a car door for me, and I hastily got in, slamming it shut and blocking myself off from all the cameras. Luis got into the front and he drove off.

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